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Linkzelda's Image Streaming Guide



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Linkzelda's Image Streaming Guide



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Linkzelda's Image Streaming Guide.pdf

Edited by Ranger
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Added another example of the Music Association Exercise in "[2.3121] Music Association Exercise VIDEO Examples" (Second Youtube Link) ---If you don't see the link in that section of the guide in the future, it most likely was shifted into a new section that I'll add later on. ----






Pastebin link here of the transcript of the session:




Might shift that example to another category because I was using Binaural Beats for Alpha State. You can find my experience stated in the link below:




Anyway, I'm seriously going to do this Binaural thing more because of the effects compared to not using it. It's given me a more relaxed but concentrated state, which is ideal when you're doing a derived image streaming technique like this.


I basically did the SWE method, and might consider the Three Word Pair Association Exercise, or even just a Theme Related Exercise that I'll add later on in the future. It's pretty straight-forward for the Theme thing, it's just something you would do when you get used to the rudiments behind the SWE, Word Pair, and Three-Word Pair Exercises.


I'm going to be making a list of certain Themes and such in the future, and I encourage anyone that uses Binaural beats to find ones that cater to inducing ALPHA brainwave patterns by the way. I know this may sound restricting, but the Image streaming technique (the original) by Win Wenger, one would breathe in and out a few times to induce the Alpha state, which is considered to be essential in the imagination and descriptive process of image streaming.


Definitely exciting, and although this should be posted on my PR, felt this was needed to add more examples in the guide. If anyone is interested in Binaural beats, or may be considering other ways to be relaxed in the process (especially if they're going to do more intensive sessions that are 60 minutes or longer), heavily consider this in your sessions to make the longer forcing sessions feel as if they were only 5-10 minutes.


I say this with slight caveat that the Binaural might be annoying at first, but it gets easier to tolerate, and I recommend using it if you can. It's important that you can close your eyes and have some time for yourself and reduce as many lighting as you can. I haven't done this Binaural thing with open-eyed, and if I do that in the future, it will most likely be when I'm confident in doing visual imposition of my tulpae.

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GAT-related commentary:


Approved, [Visualization][Narration][Wonderland][Forcing][Misc]


It's more of a compendium of techniques and exercises for interacting with your "unconscious mind", a mindset associated with it, and learning how to narrate, write stories and have fun in your wonderland with your tulpa.


There's some parts which I thought could be improved, but due to the sheer size of the document, I'm not going to be mentioning all these small details - that said I do encourage such large guides to also be reviewed by other GATs (actually it would be best if all guides were reviewed by at least a few GATs instead of one GAT per guide, but maybe I'm asking too much).

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Alright, let's see.


Your grammar is odd especially with inconsistent capitalisation. Also, quite a few of your sentences don't make sense grammatically. Similarly, some of your writing is quite difficult to understand. Maybe if you broke some of your longer sentences up more.


Your whole introduction is really long-winded and not very clear. The four pages or so before section 2 could probably be summarised into a few sentences, and I'd say that this would make it a whole lot easier to get your point across. A lot of it really does seem to be pointless, especially "The Importance of Narration & Storytelling and How They Encompass Other Methods of Tulpaforcing". You don't tell us how they encompass other methods, or at least not clearly.


Okay, exercise 2.1 ["class"], it's not really too clear what people are supposed to be doing here. You just don't tell us. Like, I get it, this is supposed to be storytelling. I can work it out, and it's even in the title (though God knows you've forgotten that by the time you get down to here) but you really want it to be very clear to readers what you're telling them to do. The same thing sort of applies to subsequent exercises but by that point it becomes pretty evident what you're on about.


More on that actually, for something that you claim is aimed at beginners, you don't really talk much about basics. Like how I said that you never explicitly said what people are supposed to do in that exercise, you never really go over storytelling in general either. You know, for a 25 or so page guide on storytelling that strikes me as the kind of thing you might want a little section on.


And kind of the same thing again, but for 'language patterns'. This is your guide; you're supposed to tell people what they are rather than just leaving it to the links or to the examples.




Surprise surprise, the main point is to make yourself clearer. You give a whole page over to "storytelling is a mindset" and "image streaming", so I'm sure you can spare room for "what is storytelling and how do I do it". And the rest of clarity, make your writing easier to understand. I've been over this before so you know the story. This guide is old enough anyway.


If you fix that one general issue I have with the guide, I'll be happy to approve it.

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So do you want to do that first before we start rating?

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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I took into consideration of the critique from GAT, and hopefully the revision is better.


Linkzelda's Image Streaming Guide


The word count for the older version was: 10,432


  • The revised one has 7,098 words
  • Has a Table of Contents to Link to Each Section (if not, please tell me)
  • Each section links back to top of the document for easy navigation



  • I formatted the content differently, and changed the title to "Linkzelda's Image Streaming Guide" (Double edit: Took out the "to Narration," since prior critique from GAT members were wondering where I gave instructions for narrating/storytelling in general; I didn't forget the original premise of the older version, it's just that it was kind of obvious that doing the image streaming would be describing what's going on, and creating a story one could reference to later on. Seeing how that wasn't obvious, I went ahead and just changed the title, and the prefix for [General]


Also, I'll be doing another check again as well for any minor issues later on (e.g. Making Unnecessary Captializations like This), and put a change log in the original post. Critique welcome as always. And anything where I show an example of how to do an exercise is most likely going to have spelling errors to emphasize how one doesn't have to be perfect when typing when image streaming. The content will be italicized, so it shouldn't be too difficult to distinguish.

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Huh, I can't do guides for a couple of days and no one else does them either? I hope you sue someone for emotional trauma, Linkzelda. Claim that you felt unwanted. Sorry about the delay, though.


Overall, I don't think there's really anything I can object to here. It talks about what it says on the title and I didn't find anything that's a stupid thing to do or anything. I don't really know much about this whole image streaming thing so I can't say if something is wrong with your guide when it comes to that, though.


It's also not as long as some might think, so don't be afraid to open it and read it, guys. Won't take the whole day. I have a feeling that if there's some sentences that are really confusing for readers, waffles will probably mention those in more detail. Or if there just are some unnecessary parts, you tend to repeat yourself a lot when it comes to just doing it and letting it be without striving for perfection. That might be what you're after as repetition can be the key for getting some guys to realize it, but you know. I think I read the same thing many times.


We had that other image streaming guide already, but I think these two can compliment each other. This one probably gave me a better idea as to what image streaming actually is, while the other one is a shorter method that might be easier to follow. But this one has a lot more stuff to it so I feel like if they can't get the other guide, this one might have something they can use. I guess I can approve this for guides, but I know you want some minor nitpicks, eh? You'll get them alright.



Every time you use "declare" instead of "speak" or "say" causes me to stumble. I keep expecting you to tell me what was declared except you use it as a synonym for just speaking. Had you just said "speak", the stumble wouldn't have happened. For example...


Narration, in relation to tulpa-related activities, is the host declaring to, or with their tulpa.


I see no reason to use declaring instead of speaking there and it smells like thesaurus rape. There are couple of other instances of "declare" in the guide, so you might want to look over those and see if you could change them to something better. Rarely have you used the word declare to actually declare something in this guide...


Speaking things aloud (if you're able to do that without distracting anyone or worrying if anyone is hearing you talk to yourself or even your tulpa).


I'm not sure if I get this one completely. The "even your tulpa" part. Do you mean talking to even your tulpa or distracting your tulpa? The latter just sounds hilarious to me. Tupper going all NO STOP TALKING ALOUD YOU ARE DISTRACTING ME. I assume it's the former but you know, it did make me stop and go "huh".


On that very same list where I took that previous quote, do you have a gap between 6 and 7 for a reason?


...and notice that aiming perfection...


Aiming for perfection, maybe?


The links to .info have the old title in them. While they still redirect just fine, you might want to change them for a nicer look. Up to you though, really.


I'm not sure about your indents. In some places you have used tab, in some places you have done just a couple of hits of spacebar. Is that for a reason? In some places there's nothing even though you have previously used it all over the place. Maybe you want to be a bit more uniform in your formatting to stop me from whining. If I'm the only one who sees them then I guess it's just some weird Google docs problem on my end.


Also not sure if this is just on my end or what, but on some places I think you could use a few more enters to put the titles on right pages. "Contents at a Glance & What You Will Learn in This Guide" title comes right after Disclaimer and is at the end of the page with just one line of text under it, I think it would just be better to push it to the next place. You have enough room. Similar thing with "Music Association Exercise Video Examples" with the last Youtube link, it's the only one pushed to the second page and you should probably remove some enters above the title to at least make the link be on the same page. Again not sure if it's some weird formatting issue on my end so if it is, feel free to ignore a lot of this weird formatting bullshit.


However, if you can’t allow yourself to overcome this concern ,you may be restricting how you’ll both learn to practice...


The comma before "you may" is misplaced, there's a space in front of it and none after. Minor fix.


Image Streaming & the Theory behind It


This is a title and seeing how you have capitalized titles in this guide, why isn't behind capitalized as well?


Prime yourself to be in a specific emotion or set of emotions


This is another title that doesn't follow your set rules, at first I thought it was supposed to be something minor and you wanted to type those titles out this way, but this is the only one done this way.


Listen to Music if you can




Allow Your Personal Stories to Ease Into Your Sessions


Why capitalize into?


DO, don’t “Try”


Capitalization is a bit off on don't here, though maybe it's for emphasis because of the caps on do...?


Should You Type, Speak, or Write Things Out in These Exercises?


I'm not going to bother pointing out every single comma I think is unnecessary as they haven't made anything unreadable, but I think the one before or is really unnecessary here. No need to put it in lists like these, yeah?


Another example are fairy tales. Think about:


Damsel in Distress

Powerful creatures

Corrupt Organizations


On your little list here, powerful creatures is the only one breaking the style of capitalization. Creatures should be capitalized too, yeah?


On the chapter "Spontaneous World Exercise" and the few after it, the font is changed from Calibri to Times New Roman. Same happens with "Music Association Exercise Video Examples". I suggest you change the font to the one you use elsewhere. Also waffles, I didn't even check the names of the fonts to see if I got them right. If I got them right, you owe me a drink or something.


Thanks for taking the time to listen and go through this narration with me now Eva.


This one line of text doesn't have italics on it even though the ones before it do, and I'm pretty sure it's a part of the same story and should look the same. Am I wrong?



That was probably enough nitpicking for today. See, I actually read it. Anyways, I'm not going to check every single link in case they're working/good/not adware like you apparently had a problem with that, so I can't say anything about them. Your stories also won't be critiqued because they're not supposed to be. If there were other grammar derps or typos then I guess I managed to miss them or forget about them already, sorry. And again, if you wonder what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to formatting, it could be something on my end. I'm never sure if these show up correctly.

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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Thanks for taking the time for the critique, Sands. As for the declare thing, I guess that's due to my English teachers force feeding me and my peers to use anything but "say," and "tell," so it's kind of an annoying habit in the context for this forum, I guess. I'll go over these things over the week, and give you guys an update. Thank you again for your time.

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