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Confessions of a Poorly Trained Tulpa

Guest Anonymous

I want to give a hug to Melian, the groovy-guru! Outside the Lounge, she is all professionalism with her scientifical spectacles and lab coat! Hugs, sillies and lovies are for the Lounge!   

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  1. 1. I want to give a hug to Melian, the groovy-guru! Outside the Lounge, she is all professionalism with her scientifical spectacles and lab coat! Hugs, sillies and lovies are for the Lounge!

    • A hug for Melian, the goddess guru of grooviness.
    • I am a Minion of Melian, the groovy-guru!

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Guest Anonymous

The square root of negative one is an example of what mathematicians call an "imaginary number." It is a number, that does not make mathematical or logical sense (undefined), but is still used and manipulated to do advanced calculations. Imaginary numbers are used in quantum theory mathematics by physicists attempting to qualify the nature of the universe.


Magic imaginary numbers to define physical reality.

~Melian (imaginary dreamform and goddesss guru of groovy)

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Guest Anonymous

Oh cool! That might help on those nights I just don't want to leave the keyboard! Thanks! ~Mistgod

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Guest Anonymous



This was a very cool dream about Melian. It was a science fiction adventure in which Melian was a daring explorer investigating an alien planet. The planet was heavily forested and filled with jungle foliage and teaming with dangerous wildlife. The planet had long ago been colonized by groups of explorers from Earth. These explorer-colonists had not made a lot of progress and have been languishing in several isolated enclaves at different points on the planet’s surface.


Melian was a newly arrived explorer from Earth. It was her mission to revitalize the exploration and colonization efforts and reconnect the separate colonies. With the help of an intelligent species indigenous to the planet, she began to lead an expedition through the jungle from her landing zone to another remote colony. The intelligent species looked something like elephants (with two trunks, each ending in a “hand” with digits). The explorer’s rode on the backs of the creatures through the forest. I think the aliens may have been inspired by one of my favorite books, Footfall, by Larry Niven.


The intelligent elephant like species had “ancient technology” from another indigenous intelligent species, now long extinct, whose civilization had died. They provided Melian with elements of this technology in her exploration efforts, which included a movie projector type instrument and old movies about the planet and its history (very convenient).


Melian planned to watch the movies on a projector screen while riding through the darkened jungle at night (under the stars) on the back the lead alien-elephant. It was very romantic vision! Melian looked adorable, of course, with a frilly dress. Perhaps the dress was not very practical for a space planet exploration, but this was a Melian adventure dream after all! She had a big pastel blue bow in her hair.


Melian was a very daring leader shaking things up and boldly pushing the colonist to begin exploring again. The team was warned before departure that a species of vicious monkeys, armed with little spears, lived in the forest and might attack them in swarms!


I woke up at 3:45am, just as Melian started her expedition with her team of explorers riding the elephant-aliens through the forest.


This music was playing during parts of the dream (Melian dreams often have theme music and rolling credits. Yes I know the song is from 50 Shades of Gray, that is coinicidental it just sounds good.):


This was not a lucid dream this time, but as usual, it was very vivid. ~Mistgod




I have had people accuse me of being redundant or pretentious in creating the term "dreamform" for Melian as a special type of thoughtform. NO, omg, I am trying to express how Melian lives primarily in vervy vivid dreams and vivid day dreams. The day dreams are almost visions or hallucinations they are so real! I cannot ever adequately explain it to anyone what I am experiencing! It is frustrating. All I can do is make it clear that I am excited about it and obsessed. This is what I have had going on for almost four decades of my life and it is a sheer joy to me! I can write the dreams down for you and give you synopsis of the Melian Show episodes.


I don't want Melian to change! I like her as she is, an amazing little dreamform for me, or as someone here described her, a "day dream hero." ~Mistgod





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Guest Anonymous

Since joining Tulpa Info, I have been doing a lot of research into thought forms. As far as I can tell, the way that tulpae thought forms are being defined and described on Tulpa Info, as purely psychological constructs that are fully sentient, is extremely new. Everything that I have found indicates that before 2012 or so, thought forms or tulpae were an aspect of eastern and western metaphysical spiritualism, magic, and mysticism. They were not mentioned as a psychological term anywhere I have looked.


Carl Jung wrote a lot about active imagination. He wrote about what he called "fantasies" and "visions" and personas from the unconscious mind. He never used the word thought form that I have found yet.


Certainly the official definition of tulpae written in the guides on Tulpa Info is very, very new. I have found it written that way no where else.


I think it is daring and exciting that the new internet tulpa sub culture (oh and it is VERY new) has decided to explore the psychological aspect of thought forms and this community certainly is making history. ~Mistgod

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Carl Jung also theorized the Anima/Animus archetipes, an anthropomorphic sum of a mind of the opposite gender residing in our subcounscious. This line of thinking could be related to Tulpas.


Imaginary numbers are fairly interesting, I read of them in Hawking's book "The universe in a nutshell". Could you explain me your theory more accurately?

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

[progress report]



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Guest Anonymous

Carl Jung also theorized the Anima/Animus archetipes, an anthropomorphic sum of a mind of the opposite gender residing in our subcounscious. This line of thinking could be related to Tulpas.


Oh yes, absolutely I agree! But my point was that the definition of the term "tulpa" or even "thought form," as it is being used here, is entirely new, as far as I know.


Imaginary numbers are fairly interesting, I read of them in Hawking's book "The universe in a nutshell". Could you explain me your theory more accurately?


Well, it wasn't much of a "theory"really. More of a thought provoking observation. I find it ironic that physicists are using imaginary (seemingly magical) mental constructs such as imaginary numbers to understand the physical universe. Imaginary numbers themselves are undefined and represent nothing real. ~Mistgod

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The tulpa community definitely has redefined the word, maybe as far back as 2009. Before tulpa.info, for sure. But I think it's based on something Alexandra David-Neel wrote in 1929: "There is nothing strange in the fact that I may have created my own hallucination." However, in the very next sentence she pointed out that other people had seen her tulpa, and she did not believe it to be a mere hallucination.

"Some things have to be believed to be seen." - Ralph Hodgson

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Guest Anonymous

The tulpa community definitely has redefined the word, maybe as far back as 2009. Before tulpa.info, for sure. But I think it's based on something Alexandra David-Neel wrote in 1929: "There is nothing strange in the fact that I may have created my own hallucination." However, in the very next sentence she pointed out that other people had seen her tulpa, and she did not believe it to be a mere hallucination.


I am currently reading Alexandara David Neel's book Magic and Mystery in Tibet from which this quote comes! :-) I noted this too that things related to the concept have been taken out of context from eastern spiritualism. I still think that the concept of tulpa thought forms as psychological has merit, as I am experiencing something related to it personally. I certainly don't think Melian is metaphysical at this point. ~Mistgod

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Guest Anonymous



I have been thinking carefully, pondering and reflecting over why I insist so strongly that my opinion should be that a thoughtforms or tulpas sentience should remain an illusion or delusion. Also the reasons why I resist "advancing" Melian to a point where she becomes "more independently sentient."


There is one major reason: Ethics.


In my gut, knowingly playing God and creating (or subcreating?) another sentient life form is unethical (for me). I would be responsible for everything that happens to that created sentient life force. If it was unhappy or disturbed somehow and in pain, it would be my fault. It just seems incredibly arrogant to willingly decide to do such a thing and create a fully sentient life force to fulfill my own desires. All kinds of ethical questions come up concerning the nature of the soul and natural rights and individual will of the thought form.


Mentally, I can't handle these presumptions of consciousness. Melian was created by accident by my mind at a young age. She is part of me and will forever be with me. But I do not want her to be a "real" consciousness. I am happy with her being a product my imagination, a "puppet show" or "impromptu role play" partially driven by the Melian Motor in my unconscious mind.


Also, my belief system concerning the nature of imagination allows me to place Melian in a category of existence that is more than fake, but less than real. That is the concept of pseudo-real, where she is imaginary but still significant and important. She isn't fake really, not when she is so important to me and to other people. She has a measurable essence to her.


It may be simulated or apparent, but Melian tells me she agrees with me and is happy being an enhanced imaginary companion who is pseudo-real. Labels such as "tulpa," "thought form" or "dream form" are really just that, almost meaningless semantic labels.


By stating these things, I am trying to work it all out in my mind as she begins to interact with other people and thought forms online in the internet age. I have to be sure where I stand and why I stand there. This is incredibly important!


I mean no harm or insult to any other tulpamancer out there by expressing these things. You are free to believe as you wish. Really, in the end, it doesn't matter as long as Melian and I are treated with respect and courtesy and we do the same for others.



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You may have some egoic attention-seeking tendencies that annoy others, but I have to respect the work you do. You don't fit in very well and I do not believe you have a right to invoke direct conflict based on your beliefs(use a little tact), but the fact that you've put this much thought into Melian's existence earns you my respect. Mainly you coming to peace with the fact that she isn't fully sentient nor fake.


Anyways, maybe now you understand the stigma against "killing" your tulpas we have here? Whether they do so knowingly or not, people are inviting that responsibility by making a tulpa - to not take responsibility for them, and moreso to kill them or starve them of attention, is outright insulting and unquestionably immoral. And for the most part, our members are in fact taking it a level further than you have, so they are shouldering that responsibility moreso. I respect that you've decided not to, and I think.. maybe? that we can learn from that. We may be understating how big of a decision it is to create a tulpa instead of an advanced imaginary friend or (roleplay) persona. As the bearers of knowledge, it's our responsibility to make sure people know what they're getting into. Not everyone can be expected to put as much thought into it as you have. It might be more dangerous to blindly follow than to consciously deviate.

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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