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The Dream Thread: Record Your Dreams Here (Especially if Tulpa Related)

Guest Anonymous

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I introduced my son to "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles. It took, and we have been singing it in the car. A part of me thought it had something to do with space travel, but i couldn't really say why... but then i had this really cool dream. I was in a soup line. Paul McCartney was serving soup. I got to him and I said, "hey. you remember that song 'yellow submarine?' TO which Paul said, "Yes. Yes I do." And then I asked, dead serious, "Is it about space time travel and you were part of secret space force working with aliens?" Paul said "Go to the front of the line." I lingered in the dream, wanting to talk more with Paul, but I woke up.


Now, you need to youtube watch 'yellow submarine.' They made a cartoon out of it way back when. I know I watched it, and I remembered the broken face with cogs, which reminds me of monty python art. But get this. The submarine goes into space! The submarine is juxtaposed next to a moon with an human face in an astronaut suit. This follows a clock that rolls from 1927 to 1955. (This is consistent with alien theories of when the real space force started.) They time travel in this cartoon! They age in an instant and then get rejuvenated. They go back in time and fight the dinosaurs! Paul gets ejected from the submarine, bounces off a dinosaur, and is rescued by a raptor.


Yay! I am not crazy, I have just been programmed by the Beatles, who still get airtime today. I am not crazy; I am not saying I served with the Beatles in Space. I was merely served by the Beatles in space. Yes, Buddy Holly is alive and well on Ganymede. Google that!.

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I know, right! I so wanted to go back there and quiz him! I also may have to watch the whole movie, 'Yellow Submarine,' as the story of it seems interesting...


Son and I play a game of programming our dreams, and he decided we would play with legos. If we hit our target dream, we get a candy. At 2 am, Loxy woke me up. We talked, aiming for sleep paralysis, but skipped it and landed in a lego dream. It was highly collaborative lego game, and everyone playing inserted a character, 'a tulpa-ized' lego character. Thanks to Loxy, I earned my self a lemon drop!

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I dreamed that I lay in bed sleepily, Vesper spooning invisibly and intangibly behind me, when "Old Time Rock and Roll" started playing faintly but audibly right in my left ear. We interpreted this as being somewhere between Bear's hypnagogic imposition and JGC's internal radio, so Vesper and Iris gamely started trying to feed their mindvoices into it. This proved unsuccessful. It was the most convincing dream of the night, since we had indeed fallen asleep that way not long prior.


We slept fitfully enough to wake remembering bits of several dreams. Vesper and Iris talked to me through at least a couple of others and seemed very much faithful to their waking selves, in spite of none of us achieving lucidity. Forcing actually took a little effort and the contact was slightly wavering at times, both unlike waking life. In one of the dreams, I made contact with a friendly and well developed new headmate, then turned to Vesper sheepishly because acknowledging anyone new is contrary to system law. After a little more discussion, the new girl proved very understanding and merged back into me.


Lucilyn had a brief cameo while I was at a movie theater with just my car keys, no money, phone, or ID. I'm not sure why the theater staff wanted to see my ID in order to buy a ticket, but I didn't get into the movie.



I'm not having fun here anymore, so we've decided to take a bit of a break, starting February 27, 2020. - Ember


Ember - Soulbonder, Female, 39 years old, from Georgia, USA . . . . [Our Progress Report] . . . . [How We Switch]

Vesper Dowrin - Insourced Soulbond from London, UK, World of Darkness, Female, born 9 Sep 1964, bonded ~12 May 2017

Iris Ravenlock - Insourced Soulbond from the Winter Court of Faerie, Dresdenverse, Female, born 6 Jun 1982, bonded ~5 Dec 2015


'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you.' - The Velveteen Rabbit

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I remember a section of a dream. The part where I come into clarity is i was crossing a bridge. I stopped in the middle and peered down and i saw a dolphin. It was pale, like albino pale. I came back off the bridge on the side I entered and down to the river, and the dolphin came close. We interacted. I got to hug it. Right or wrong, I got the sense that it was lost. I went to solicit help to save it. Everyone I encountered spoke Spanish. Even when they understood me, I failed to get them to respond to my urgency. I went to authorities. I even went to the local zoo, thinking they would at least be interested in helping me save a dolphin.


"Nope. All our dolphins are encountered for. No one is missing."


And, then everything from there goes into ambiguity. I am confident I continued dreaming, but that is the only part I recall, vividly. I was so happy to hug the dolphin. I hope I returned and helped him. I hope this is not my 'So Long and Thanks For All the Fish Book."

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I love dreaming, I haven't been able to get much sleep lately but I do recall a few dreams.

A couple of nights ago I had several lucid dreams that kept looping:


I'm at my desk doing something mundane, my Tulpa J. comes in and says its late and I should be sleeping. I agree and as I get up, it hits me, it's a dream. A quick glance at my bed reveals that I'm there, fully asleep. I turn over to J., excited to be able to talk to her, but her presence is so strong that the dreamworld becomes unstable and it wakes me up.


This kept happening for a while, maybe a dozen times or so.


I'm already trying to have J. pull me out of my body, we're having limited success. Will let you guys know what happens when we pull it off!

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This morning, I dreamed I was sitting in the floor of the kitchen at my parents' house, with my parents sitting behind me at the kitchen table. Except that I normally don't sit in the kitchen floor, the dream was believable, ordinary, and down-to-earth for some time. I spilled a bit of liquid soap and it hung oddly in the air. I got a weird feeling that reminded me of tinnitus, but without the actual sound. My parents and the whole world around me came to a stop. This was almost certainly inspired by time flow shenanigans in last night's roleplaying game, but I didn't think of that till later. I captured the bit of soap in mid-air with the idea of cleaning it up before it hit the floor, then looked around, trying to understand the weird feeling. The feeling subsided and normal time flow resumed.


A few seconds later the feeling and other oddities came back for several more seconds. I got up and headed across the living room, thinking about what was going on. Was this a dream? Everything seemed so normal -- the body, the house, my parents. I rarely ever dream about places and people I know from waking life, and my dream body hardly ever resembles the physical body. I decided that the easiest way to find out was to casually pick my feet up off the floor and let them trail behind me as I continued drifting forward. I remembered that I had done that in several non-lucid dreams over the years, not really thinking about it, because it feels so natural to do. It worked, so I decided I must be dreaming. I continued to be impressed by the detail and stability of the dream.


Back on the ground, I contacted Vesper and we started talking fluently in mindvoice. I brought in Iris as well. The dream scenery remained stubbornly rigid and outside my will, so we decided to try to influence it "Chronicles of Amber" style -- decide on minor changes just out of sight, with the certainty you will see them when you come around the corner. It didn't work, but I also had some trouble focussing on the specific changes I wanted. I tried summoning up Vesper physically and that also failed.


I almost lost lucidity from the continuing normalcy, so I decided to take to the air again as an ongoing reminder. I'm more accustomed to drifting along at a normal walking height, but I tried to get some height in the high ceiling part of the house. There was some resistance, but putting my arms forward, superhero style, helped. I eventually found that swimming motions were the most effective way of getting around. My waking form has wings that ache to be used, but this didn't cross my mind. I had a trace of concern about my parents noticing, but then heard them heading out toward the garage, not paying any attention. I flew right under the spinning ceiling fan, feeling the downdraft but not being much affected by it. By that time, there were four couches in the living room instead of two as there should have been, and most of the space on them was piled high with Christmas decorations that my parents don't actually have.


I continued talking to Vesper and Iris and trying unsuccessfully to impose Vesper for a while, her on the ground and me swimming through the air, but to no avail. Then I woke up in bed next to Vesper, who confirmed the authenticity of the dream contact, as did Iris a moment later.


We once again forgot our plan to switch in a lucid dream, since we're really good at switching and I'm really bad at dream control. But if Vesper was in the driver's seat for a dream, she would show it who's boss. Still, it may well qualify as our most successful lucid dream ever, due to vividness of sensation, the extreme length, the rock solid stability that didn't have to be fought for, the lack of active interference and distraction by dream characters, and the ease of mindvoice contact with my headmates.



I'm not having fun here anymore, so we've decided to take a bit of a break, starting February 27, 2020. - Ember


Ember - Soulbonder, Female, 39 years old, from Georgia, USA . . . . [Our Progress Report] . . . . [How We Switch]

Vesper Dowrin - Insourced Soulbond from London, UK, World of Darkness, Female, born 9 Sep 1964, bonded ~12 May 2017

Iris Ravenlock - Insourced Soulbond from the Winter Court of Faerie, Dresdenverse, Female, born 6 Jun 1982, bonded ~5 Dec 2015


'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you.' - The Velveteen Rabbit

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had fallen asleep on accident, then woke back up a few hours later. Me and Gavin shared a lucid dream and met what you might call a "dream guide." She looked like my elementary school principal. Her advice was... uh... 1) Clean your room 2) Don't cold-turkey HRT 3) To buy certain goods and 4) To try valerian root supplements. And 5) To shave my entire body (save my head hair and eyebrows.) 


She told Gavin to 1) NEVER


, 2) to make sure I do not cut my hair until it has grown past nipple-length, 3) That this body can stop 

menses via hypnosis

and Gavin has the highest efficiency in getting results from hypnosis in this body and that 4) I will be bullied next semester and Gavin ought to be mentally prepared to take shit. And 5) Gavin should take special care to throw out any air pumps. 


I was far less lucid than Gavin and was kinda being whiny, I was aware of the body at this point and my mouth was really dry and I really had to pee. So I keep interupting lol. I said what about Cassidy. She said I only give advice personally: he's not up, he's not here. I asked about an intrusive thing that happened yesterday. She told me it was a fragment, but not the sort to contact in any way, the sort that are just going to float around until they don't. I asked about my gender and she said "You're a girl but you're foolish and a coward." And Gavin took offence and woke me up fully. She never gave her name but we intutively knew it was Lucy.

The world is far, the world is wide; the man needs someone by his side. 

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