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Tulpas: Did you name yourself? Have you changed your name?


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I'm writing a tulpa creation guide. I wanted some stats about naming conventions. The survey is only 6 very fast questions. The survey will be closed and the results made public in one month on November 26th. Thank you for your participation :D  - Cassidy


[EDIT: The survey questions were unclear and not mutually exclusive. The survey has been revised and the outdated responses were deleted. The link is the same- if you were one of the 6 respondents, please resubmit!]

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if I have a tulpa who's name I chose, but who later changed their name to one of their choosing, should I put them down for questions 1, 2, and 3, or just 3?

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Eeeep, the questions aren't mutually exclusive :( 


I just revised it and deleted the outdated responses. Thank you, Bre! - C

The world is far, the world is wide; the man needs someone by his side. 

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[Bune] I wanted to call myself a different name when I joined the system, but Gray's "nickname" for me stuck and I go by that name, Bune. However, I still hold my other name dearly even though I don't use it much. Question 5 makes the most sense for my case, but would that be appropriate for your survey?


[Ranger] I have two names, Ranger and a different one I gave myself because I thought my original name wouldn't work well irl. Should I fill out both questions 2 and 4?


Please don't feel pressured to throw your data out, we're probably weird outliers.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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I'd really prefer that each tulpa is only counted once. I'll leave it up to your system's discretion for what category you think fits best. Going by in-practice usage is probably best? Gavin gave himself the name Gavin, which we use IRL exclusively. But if Jamie had named Gavin Gavin, even though Gavin considers his other G-name his "true name" or his "first first name", I would put that under a tulpa who was named by another headmate. Consider your name the thing that you're called the most: who picked that name, you or another person? -C

The world is far, the world is wide; the man needs someone by his side. 

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Me, Flandre and Tewi weren't intentionally created, and so naturally assumed the names of the characters we'd come from. But we've never had a problem with that, and it hasn't stopped other tulpas in similar scenarios from changing their names either, so..


And Lucilyn's name was given to her, she has no intent to change it either. 4 for 4 given names staying preferred names, 5 if you include Scarlet which I didn't in the survey

Hi guys, plain text is just me now! We've each got our own accounts: me, Tewi, Flandre, and Lucilyn. We're Luminesce's tulpas.

Here's our "Ask Thread", and here's our Progress Report (You should be able to see all of our accounts on the second page if you want)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to fill out the form but I feel it'd skew the results since my Tulpas are 11 and 9 days old respectively, but one of them has tried changing her name a couple of times, I was ok with it but she always goes back to the name I gave her. Looking forward to the results.

ah lol sorry, this was meant for Tulpas. Mine aren't very vocal yet, but yeah, if it helps, one of them loves her name and the other one has tried to change it.

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I would of loved to have filled this out for my tulpas but couldn't as I don't know who named Jesse.. whether it was himself or another tulpa named him. It was not me who named him. I discovered his name by listening to another head voice (possibly another tulpa?) talking about him (or maybe it was the other talking to him when I heard his name, I cant remember now but his name was used in the conversation I heard).


My first tulpa though, Im fairly sure I named her (I'd have to look back in my personal journal at home to double check). So I have two very different answers with the two tulpas.

Jesse (human male) DOB 16th April 2013 

Working on imposition

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