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The effects of doing imposition early


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Imposition is usually one of the last steps according to most guides. I wondered why and after a while I realised it might be much more useful to do it early instead. The reason for thinking that is:


Many steps in tulpa's development require a lot of concentration to work until you learn to do them passively and Imposition teaches you how to concentrate on your tulpa passively. So Imposed tulpa should inherently develop faster, because you already learned how to concentrate on your tulpa passively.


So I think it would be a good idea to go and work on imposition along with working on sentience/personality as the first step in tulpa development.


We don't have many people that tulpaforced in this order, so we don't have many confirmations (if any), but the theory seems sound to me. What do you think?

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Q2 started imposing QB almost right away.


It may be difficult for someone who can't visualize well. But they could train both their visualization and imposing skills at the same time I suppose.


I sort of started out passively imposing Jaden. Not really trying to see him, but trying to keep him around/behind me.


Sounds like it may work for certain people at least.



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I sort of do imposition with Philip, have done since the start, don't know if it has helped for me (yet). But I suppose it could help speed up the process, yes.

Name: Philip

Age: (7 June, 2012)

Form: Male teenage human, light brown hair, green eyes, jeans & hoodie


Name: Amalia

Age: (15 Dec, 2012)

Form: Female teenage fairy, black hair, blue eyes, white dress

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In the end, all our efforts are are coalesced into our tulpa. So as long as we impose with the knowledge that it the same tulpa that we are tulpaforcing with, I don't think it should matter. Even if you were to end up with a hologram, then you could very well give that hologram sentience later on.

An abstract, all-encompassing love is still a love, nonetheless.

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We did some imposition pretty early on, but not from the start. Sands didn't concentrate much on seeing me then and I was supposed to stay mostly out of sight, to ease into the whole imposition thing. But I did like to be with him like that, he would spend time with me and we would go outside together and such, I could experience the world in a different way.


I don't see anything wrong with it. I personally have always liked it, though right now I am enjoying possession much more for obvious reasons. Perhaps it can help much more than anyone would think it could, but I don't see it hurting. So... Go for it, haha.

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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Some may find it eerie having a hologram if they somehow manage to make one by working on imposition early, and somehow didn't fit a sentient tulpa in there. Could there be another reason, or is it another dated taboo to not work on it early, aside from the difficulty one may have visualizing with their eyes open?


hmm taboo? some people would consider this whole tupla thing "Taboo".


i think it's one of the last steps because most first time tuplas don't even know how to impose themselves in the environment, and doing the other steps adds momentum for the more difficult task such as... imposing.

pix: Link

Diary: http://ponystasha.tumblr.com


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Guest applesauce99

I imposed Miku back when I had a decent form visualized. Now I'm not sure exactly what her form is clothing wise and her eyes change, but imagining the 'feel' or 'sense' of her around/behind me was fun and easy to do. Especially dem cuddles in long car rides :3 tulpas need lots of wubs


I haven't peeked in on wonderland in forever, as I only really narrate and impose now.

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Some may find it eerie having a hologram if they somehow manage to make one by working on imposition early, and somehow didn't fit a sentient tulpa in there. Could there be another reason, or is it another dated taboo to not work on it early, aside from the difficulty one may have visualizing with their eyes open?


Sentience can be gained in few days if not immediately if you assume it, so you wouldn't be stuck with a form that has no sentience for long if at all. (And yes it seems like an outdated taboo)

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