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Oh hai!


I found out about this whole Tulpa business about two weeks ago, via the wondrous Pony thread simulators. I went to /mlp/ the same day and found a little bit more about the topic. Intrigued, I decided to research more of the subject. So here I am. I've been lurkin' and researchin' for a bit and decided to finally make some headway into all this. I had my first session today, so I figured better now rather than later.


I've always had a very expansive/over reactive imagination, so it would be nice to finally concentrate it into something productive. And also because I can't remember the title of this song I liked from about a year ago and it's really annoying me.

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Hello, my Name is Mike, and i am a Alcoholic.


Also i want to create a Tulpa. I found out about Tulpae through /mlp/, and started work on my first Tulpa about 7-8 weeks ago, but had to stop pretty soon because of my University-schedule. So i will start from scratch . My Tulpa should have been based on a pony, but after i read the blogs/status-updates of the two people i knew from the /mlp/-threads, and their Tulpaes "furryfication", i have some doubts. Maybe i will just go full-human from the Beginning, as having a Furry running around all the time would probably creep me out or make me scream, depending on my mood. (No insult to those with Furry-tulpas , its just not my thing)


Oh, and I am no native english-speaker, but i hope i won't rape the english language too much.

"You are just a Pigment of my Imagination, like Bleen or Gurple"

Hello there everyone!


Knapp here, been lurking around here for a while now, thought I might be a bit more active and contribute (ffs) to the forum rather than just doing nothing. I finally decided to get myself a Tulpa when I came across that creepypasta (you know the one) for the zillionth time and thought that "out of all that scary bullshit, the concept's gotta be true". So I did some research about Tulpae, and here I am! [Rape of the English language initiated.]


Also, what's with all the bronies making Tulpae that's based on/looks like a pony? (No offense, I love MLP myself)

Name: Philip

Age: (7 June, 2012)

Form: Male teenage human, light brown hair, green eyes, jeans & hoodie


Name: Amalia

Age: (15 Dec, 2012)

Form: Female teenage fairy, black hair, blue eyes, white dress

To me pony is the symbol of innocence <3

Mainly because I didn't grow up right.

But that's neat how the creepypastas are bringing in new members, I don't think you're the first.

This hot empty painting should be locked and towed.

Wow, I've never agreed with someone that much in my entire life.... I love you Charlotte!


(disregard my avatar tho)

I must have ended up on the wrong planet. Everything here is so strange.

Also, what's with all the bronies making Tulpae that's based on/looks like a pony? (No offense, I love MLP myself)


Because faggetry.

[Note: Opinions]

You sure are a happy fella!

I must have ended up on the wrong planet. Everything here is so strange.

Guest applesauce99

sup everyone, I'm Fourfiction. You can call me Max if ya want, I really don't care. I have always been amazed and intrigued by psychological stuff like telekinesis and meditation. Eventually I found myself looking up neat stuff on thoughtforms and servitors and came across Tulpae, which are frickin amazing as far as I've read about them. I'm starting to make one, Alex, but I'm only an hour or a little more in. Its gonna be a long 100 hours...

I'm just going to be the hero here and say nobody likes you and you have the grammar and speech patterns of a 9 year old.

This hot empty painting should be locked and towed.

sup everyone, I'm Fourfiction. You can call me Max if ya want, I really don't care. I have always been amazed and intrigued by psychological stuff like telekinesis and meditation. Eventually I found myself looking up neat stuff on thoughtforms and servitors and came across Tulpae, which are frickin amazing as far as I've read about them. I'm starting to make one, Alex, but I'm only an hour or a little more in. Its gonna be a long 100 hours...





I'm just going to be the hero here and say nobody likes you and you have the grammar and speech patterns of a 9 year old.



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