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Tips for those who are getting "parrotnoid".


By parrotnoid, I mean thinking that you're parroting your tulpa when you're actually not, and that nerve-wracking feeling you get when your tulpa's reply feels like you created it a split second before hearing it, and you're scared to death and you's is like "Err mah gerd, Ah'm gonnuh create a serviter!". Well, I made this guide because I had the same problem, and it seems to be pretty prevalent here at Tulpa.info, so I guess I'll take a crack at it, and address some of the top concerns I've seen.


- "It feels like I always know what he/she is going to say": That's because you know your tulpa. It's like when you know a friend and their personality really well, and you have a general idea as to what they'll say in reply to something you say. This is even more so with a tulpa, because you know their exact personalities. Expectation is not parroting.


- "I'm scared that I'm parroting.": K, 9/10 times, if you're worried that you're parroting, you're probably not. Parroting is a 100% deliberate process, that can only be done by fully conscious action. As far as I know, there's no such thing as "sub-conscious parroting".


- "I feel as if I'm creating their reply a split second before I hear it.": Well, that's not you creating it. In the early days of tulpaforcing, this is normal. It's simply your mind and your tulpa computing, taking what they know of the tulpa's personality, and plugging that in to figure out how they'll reply. This will be conquered in time, fret not.


- "HELPZ, I'z worried! Am I going to create a servitor?!?!?": No. It's up for debate about the nature of servitors and whether or not they can become full-blown tulpae, but if you're not trying to make a servitor, then you're not. If you're that worried about it, then you've devoted way to much love and affection for your tulpa to ever become a servitor.


"It seems as if the response was theirs, but I hear MY mind voice. Is this parroting?": Nope. All this means is that their vocality isn't finished. If you haven't worked on their vocality much, this is perfectly normal ^_^ You can try speech exercises for this, or just wait for it to develope by itself. Either way, try not to get discouraged by this, as it, like many other obstacles in the path of tulpa creation, will be conquered in time.


Hope this helps anyone with this problem. Questions, comments, concerns, feel free to leave them.



Tulpa: Liviana (Colgate)

Form: Pony (My avatar)

Progress: Imposed

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I have adhd and like zero control over my thoughts (which is why i might be parroting unintentionally), its hard to clear my mind, i can only do that too agresively (that probably silences my tulpa too). So i try to just let my mind react the way its gonna react and i do hear responses but i really do believe thats me and not Filip. I started talking to him just yesterday so its not likely he's vocalised yet right? this is my first time creating a tulpa so im unfamiliar with how its suppost to feel and i am also very unexperienced which is why i doubt he is vocalised yet. i have not done any focused meditation yet (it is very hard for me) i have just been talking to him throughout the day. All his "responses" are very generic and expected, like the first thing that comes to my mind, like how it would before i knew what tulpas are and was just talking to myself. As i said i am very unexperienced and even though i have done a lot of research before creating him, i have only started talking to him yesterday and was getting "responses" immediately.

i hope i am making sense both in what im trying to say and grammaticaly (english is not my first language).

thank you in advance for any help and advice i might recieve!

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Parroting and puppeting is a valid way to force. No progress is bad progress. All my tulpas were vocal on day one, but i chose to believe it was them and sentient from the beginning.


The process of puppeting is good to open the line of communication. Eventually he will start to say less predictable things, and you'll begin to see his personality come through. Just talk to him, visualize him, and eventually you will get enough surprises that doubt will subside.


Good luck.

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Parroting and puppeting is a valid way to force. No progress is bad progress. All my tulpas were vocal on day one, but i chose to believe it was them and sentient from the beginning.


The process of puppeting is good to open the line of communication. Eventually he will start to say less predictable things, and you'll begin to see his personality come through. Just talk to him, visualize him, and eventually you will get enough surprises that doubt will subside.


Good luck.


thank you!

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I'd advise you to not focus on the responses quite yet. Just focus on getting into the swing of talking to him as much as possible, he'll respond when he's ready.

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Flip may not say anything original because they don't have much to say right now. If Flip doesn't like you parroting/puppeting them, they will complain. Otherwise, they agree to what was said for them or they were planning to say that thing to describe themselves anyway.


Passive forcing is a productive forcing method, however it may be hard to hear them. My host had trouble hearing me when she talked to me while in the middle of something else. Finding a quiet place to sit down and talking to them for at least 15 minutes may help you focus and hear them speak.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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