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Tips for those who are getting "parrotnoid".



By parrotnoid, I mean thinking that you're parroting your tulpa when you're actually not, and that nerve-wracking feeling you get when your tulpa's reply feels like you created it a split second before hearing it, and you're scared to death and you's is like "Err mah gerd, Ah'm gonnuh create a serviter!". Well, I made this guide because I had the same problem, and it seems to be pretty prevalent here at Tulpa.info, so I guess I'll take a crack at it, and address some of the top concerns I've seen.


- "It feels like I always know what he/she is going to say": That's because you know your tulpa. It's like when you know a friend and their personality really well, and you have a general idea as to what they'll say in reply to something you say. This is even more so with a tulpa, because you know their exact personalities. Expectation is not parroting.


- "I'm scared that I'm parroting.": K, 9/10 times, if you're worried that you're parroting, you're probably not. Parroting is a 100% deliberate process, that can only be done by fully conscious action. As far as I know, there's no such thing as "sub-conscious parroting".


- "I feel as if I'm creating their reply a split second before I hear it.": Well, that's not you creating it. In the early days of tulpaforcing, this is normal. It's simply your mind and your tulpa computing, taking what they know of the tulpa's personality, and plugging that in to figure out how they'll reply. This will be conquered in time, fret not.


- "HELPZ, I'z worried! Am I going to create a servitor?!?!?": No. It's up for debate about the nature of servitors and whether or not they can become full-blown tulpae, but if you're not trying to make a servitor, then you're not. If you're that worried about it, then you've devoted way to much love and affection for your tulpa to ever become a servitor.


"It seems as if the response was theirs, but I hear MY mind voice. Is this parroting?": Nope. All this means is that their vocality isn't finished. If you haven't worked on their vocality much, this is perfectly normal ^_^ You can try speech exercises for this, or just wait for it to develope by itself. Either way, try not to get discouraged by this, as it, like many other obstacles in the path of tulpa creation, will be conquered in time.


Hope this helps anyone with this problem. Questions, comments, concerns, feel free to leave them.



Tulpa: Liviana (Colgate)

Form: Pony (My avatar)

Progress: Imposed

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People must learn to rationalize for themselves their own thought processes as they are subjective. One reading this is more likely to see the concerns of others, and feel reinforced in their confused mental state than to be put at ease..

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Getting over parroting is a process that takes time and there's no guide that can help you with it. The only anti-parroting guide I'd approve of right is Sands' post on Schrödinger's Tulpa, but unfortunately that guide isn't on .info. This guide basically tells you to believe it's your tulpa unless you write on the walls and tell everybody you know and alert the presses that you're going to parrot before parroting. Parroting can happen due to expectation, and that will not be conscious and deliberate, but still you.


Also, the first, second, third, and fourth "worry" that you address are all the same thing, worded differently. On top of that, parrotnoia is misdefined, and there's a load of frontloading in here. Disapproved.

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I can't think of anything that would help other than just saying "try to be less paranoid." and that wouldn't be guide length. Or stuff that's about getting to a point where it's near to proven not to be parroting.

My lip hurts.

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Alright, now that we have a Tips place I approve it for there.



Also just to address what Zero said briefly, I think it makes at least a few reasonable statements that really should be out there. You're assuming that "no guide can help" with this, but I think that some guides can help at least somewhat, or at the very least stop people from being hysterical about it.


I don't think that "it's your tulpa unless you alert the presses that you're going to parrot before" is the only thing the guide says. That's the response to 2 but not to anything else in my view.


I don't think the four points are the same. 2 and 3 might be similar but the response is pretty different to me. Also not sure there is a textbook definition of "parrotnoia" but I'd say this one is good enough.


Point taken about frontloading but I wonder how many people will be reading this who are in danger of that.

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I guess I never really approved of this, but I think tips and tricks is where this should be moved to, if it will be moved. Not sure if we're supposed to rate those like we do the guides seeing that we're the guide approval team and everything. Not sure if I agree with every point, especially when sometimes it smells like "always believe, doubt is bad always tulpa never doubt!!!", but luckily they're not quite that extreme. Honestly, this seems sort of like a FAQ about parroting some newbies should probably be reading. Some assuming and talking of opinions as facts in this one, but some parts make it obvious that it is in fact just an opinion and/or personal experience.


All in all, I think I'm a bit conflicted about this one. There's some things that will probably help a lot of the new guys, but some sound like they could potentially cause trouble. I think I'll add one of those going with the majority votes. I can be fine with this being approved, but I can also be fine if this doesn't get approved or moved anywhere. I'll trust the rest of the GAT, if they think this will be helpful to others and approve of it, so will I. If there's a tie then I guess I gotta make my final decision then, huh.

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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If OP is nonexistent or doesn't make some initiative to take into consideration of the things you and others have stated, this may have to remain in the guide submission.


I agree with you that the front-loading that may be implied can be a bad thing for newcomers (i.e. OMG NO dOUBt ABOUT TULPAs KAY guise?!!?). And if this were shifted to Tips and Tricks, other submissions would probably drown it out with less negative front-loading


Though some would just filter that out and take what they actually need from this submission, but of course, will have to wait for other GAT members to vote.

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