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Tips for those who are getting "parrotnoid".



By parrotnoid, I mean thinking that you're parroting your tulpa when you're actually not, and that nerve-wracking feeling you get when your tulpa's reply feels like you created it a split second before hearing it, and you're scared to death and you's is like "Err mah gerd, Ah'm gonnuh create a serviter!". Well, I made this guide because I had the same problem, and it seems to be pretty prevalent here at Tulpa.info, so I guess I'll take a crack at it, and address some of the top concerns I've seen.


- "It feels like I always know what he/she is going to say": That's because you know your tulpa. It's like when you know a friend and their personality really well, and you have a general idea as to what they'll say in reply to something you say. This is even more so with a tulpa, because you know their exact personalities. Expectation is not parroting.


- "I'm scared that I'm parroting.": K, 9/10 times, if you're worried that you're parroting, you're probably not. Parroting is a 100% deliberate process, that can only be done by fully conscious action. As far as I know, there's no such thing as "sub-conscious parroting".


- "I feel as if I'm creating their reply a split second before I hear it.": Well, that's not you creating it. In the early days of tulpaforcing, this is normal. It's simply your mind and your tulpa computing, taking what they know of the tulpa's personality, and plugging that in to figure out how they'll reply. This will be conquered in time, fret not.


- "HELPZ, I'z worried! Am I going to create a servitor?!?!?": No. It's up for debate about the nature of servitors and whether or not they can become full-blown tulpae, but if you're not trying to make a servitor, then you're not. If you're that worried about it, then you've devoted way to much love and affection for your tulpa to ever become a servitor.


"It seems as if the response was theirs, but I hear MY mind voice. Is this parroting?": Nope. All this means is that their vocality isn't finished. If you haven't worked on their vocality much, this is perfectly normal ^_^ You can try speech exercises for this, or just wait for it to develope by itself. Either way, try not to get discouraged by this, as it, like many other obstacles in the path of tulpa creation, will be conquered in time.


Hope this helps anyone with this problem. Questions, comments, concerns, feel free to leave them.



Tulpa: Liviana (Colgate)

Form: Pony (My avatar)

Progress: Imposed

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Thanks OP, this thread was very encouraging and helped me quite a bit with my tulpa forcing endevor! However, the pic in the OP post keeps making me feel uneasy because it reminds me of this.

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With Kai, I had those issues, but I realized pretty much everything you said myself, minus that it's almost impossible to parrot accidentally. I simply apologized in advance for parroting (if I did it) and assumed everything was him. He told me his name was Kai on the first day. I asked him a few days later to confirm, and it was the same. That time, I apologized for doubting. We're pretty close already, I like to think.

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I just like to use the guideline "She knew I was going to say it, so she mentioned it before me."


Though, Leo's "credit her instead of doubting her" is good, too.

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Thanks for making this helpful guide! I've been doing a lot of giving the credit to my tulpa, Eva. Going to bookmark this and incorporate it to my daily practice. :)

That's so great to hear! I just didn't want to see anyone go through the same problem I did. All that doubt does people more harm than good, so it's nice to know I helped at least one person with this problem :D

Tulpa: Liviana (Colgate)

Form: Pony (My avatar)

Progress: Imposed

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Hi! Thanks sooooo much for these tips. They allowed me to accept the voice (Zach) Now I can tell the difference between mine and him a little more :)

Name: Zach

Appearance: Messy black hair, light grey eyes. A little bit pale.

Looks: 14

Favorite color: Dark blue

He usually wears a grey hoody, jeans and black converse. He listens to music a lot, so his blue headphones are around his neck most of the time.


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Thread necromancy for the wolf.

One thing I find that helps parrotnoia is not accepting any signs of progress for weeks until eventually you have no choice to but 'know' its your tulpa.


If that makes sense. I just woke up.

fourfiction, the idiot.

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If anyone thinks they're parroting, you're just assisting your tulpa a little. Think of it as teaching a young child to walk, at first they need your guidance, but eventually they'll be able to do it on their own!

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Does this apply to visualization as well? Whenever I visualize my tulpa interacting with my wonderland, her movements seem to come naturally. It feels like I anticipate the movements a split-second before they happen, but that's too fast for it to be puppeting, right?

Tulpa name: Canaan.

Form: Silver haired,, golden-eyed female.

http://imgur.com/RD49Q http://imgur.com/NRNi4

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Narration and visualization.

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Sometimes when my tulpa "talks" (which all I get is thoughts passing through my mind as a response [idk if that's normal I'm new to this ^^']) sometimes they come out clear and concise. But sometimes if its too long of a sentence towards the end it'll slow down and stop and I realize its me trying to figure out what to say...so I can't tell if its him or me ._. What do you think?

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