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Couguhl's Guide to Tulpa Association for Regaining Focus



A common problem of early tulpa creation is a lack of focus on the part of the host. This may be because he/she may have an attention deficit disorder, are overly-creative (not always a negative thing), or for other reasons not specified. Nonetheless, this guide describes how you can increase your focus and synchronicity with your tulpa(s) through the magic of classical conditioning. [This isn't really so much a guide as it is tips, but I'm sure some of you may find it helpful.]



So before we start the method, you need to know how it works.

This method uses Classical Conditioning, which is essentially reinforcing a reaction based on an unrelated stimulus that has been associated with it. For example - Ivan Pavlov, the Russian physiologist who developed this idea, would ring a bell and feed some meat to his dogs. The meat would make the dogs salivate. After a while, the dogs would begin to salivate once the bell had been rung, even if there were no meat in sight. They had been conditioned to salivate every time the bell rang.

You can do this with your mind as well.


Now what this method is attempting to accomplish is to associate your tulpa with whatever stimulus you choose. Hopefully, if you can associate your tulpa with that stimulus, then you can use that stimulus to bring your tulpa vividly back to mind whenever you are having trouble concentrating.



For example, when I first began tulpa forcing, I would burn incense. Since smell is strongly associated with memory (and because I burned it every time), I began to get 'in the zone' every time I burned incense. Now whenever I smell it (even though I don't use it anymore), I vividly remember my tulpa and it brings back a lot of memories. So what you can do is burn a scented candle, incense, or whatever you find most effective.


If smells aren't your thing (I'm looking at you, anosmiacs), then you could try taste. One day several months ago, I was sitting down with my tulpa having a conversation while eating chips and salsa. Since then, every time I ate chips and salsa I would start talking to my tulpa, and now she automatically comes to mind whenever I taste Picante.



These are simply examples of course, and you can use any sort of stimulus that you desire. If you can do this, then all you have to do is reintroduce that stimulus when you are lacking focus.


That's basically all there is to it. If you have any suggestions, feedback, or criticism then post away.

Tulpa: Sierra

Forcing since July 2012

Couguhl’s Progress Report

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Good suggestion, I've actually found success with this, though I never did draw the parallel to Pavlov's dogs, somehow. It was more or less unintentional, I guess.


I've brewed a big cup of tea just about every time I've sat down to talk to my tulpa, and now the taste and aroma of piping hot black currant tea brings her to mind. Given that I drink the stuff daily, usually multiple mugs, it's really helped me to maintain focus on her even when day-to-day life problems try to get in the way.

"You've got to believe to achieve." -Hank Hill

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Note that it isn't just people who can't smell very well who need to look for another sense to use. Different senses associate stronger than others, depending on the person. I tried having a certain smell while forcing for about a week, with no noticeable effect whatsoever. I petered off doing it since it wasn't helping and was a pain to set up every time.


I've had slightly more effect from playing the same instrumental song on loop when forcing, for a few weeks early on.

Lyra: human female, ~17

Evan: boy, ~14, was an Eevee

Anera: anime-style girl, ~12; Lyra made her

My blog :: Time expectations are bad (forcing time targets are good though)

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Guest kingfisher

This one's a great idea. I didn't even realize I've been doing this for several days now, except that it's not through smell but through touch.


You see, I got myself a ring thingy that I use to remember important stuff, which also includes my tulpa. What happens is that every time I touch the ring, or even feel it around my finger, thoughts about my tulpa comes to mind. The only problem is, there's not much to remember, so I end up repeating Mia's name in my head over and over until I forget about the ring again.

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Note that it isn't just people who can't smell very well who need to look for another sense to use. Different senses associate stronger than others, depending on the person. I tried having a certain smell while forcing for about a week, with no noticeable effect whatsoever. I petered off doing it since it wasn't helping and was a pain to set up every time.


I've had slightly more effect from playing the same instrumental song on loop when forcing, for a few weeks early on.


Absolutely. This guide is very subjective; you have to use what works best for you.

You see, I got myself a ring thingy that I use to remember important stuff, which also includes my tulpa. What happens is that every time I touch the ring, or even feel it around my finger, thoughts about my tulpa comes to mind. The only problem is, there's not much to remember, so I end up repeating Mia's name in my head over and over until I forget about the ring again.


Interesting. This can be applied to all kinds of things, including jewelry.


I appreciate the feedback, everyone.

Tulpa: Sierra

Forcing since July 2012

Couguhl’s Progress Report

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I've done this before with songs. When I hear my ringtone I remember my tulpa instantly. I haven't seen much progress for a long time, so I decided to listen to my ringtone and I actually understood a lot of my problems. Now I have to test it while forcing.


Excellent. Let us know how it goes.

Tulpa: Sierra

Forcing since July 2012

Couguhl’s Progress Report

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For example - Ivan Pavlov, the Russian physiologist who developed this idea, would ring a bell and feed some meat to his dogs. The meat would make the dogs salivate. After a while, the dogs would begin to salivate once the bell had been rung, even if there were no meat in sight. They had been conditioned to salivate every time the bell rang.

You can do this with your mind as well.


I love how you didn't tell the rest of that story.

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