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24-Hour Guide to Tulpamancy
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24-Hour Guide to Tulpamancy
So, because I achieved such outstanding results within 24-hours in the creation of Aiko, I'm going to compile a guide of how exactly I went about creating her, and in what order. Mind you, this is to be used with the accompaniment of other guides, which I highly recommend using every one you can possibly find. Also, maintaining a Tulpa is in my experience a highly demanding task. If you don't think you're up for taking care of and raising a separate entity alongside yourself, I suggest you rethink your decision to be creating a Tulpa in the first place. This guide is going to be divided into many different short but thorough chapters, if at any time you wish to skip ahead simply press Ctrl-F and type in one of the index headings. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy!
Step # 1 [Meditation] (Approx. 2 Hours) (Clearing Your Mind + Visualizing)
Step # 2 [Appearances] (Approx. 2 Hours) (Planning + Meditation)
Step # 3 [Personality] (Approx. 2 Hours) (Planning + Meditation)
Step # 4 [Narrating] (Approx. 8 Hours)
Step # 5 [imposing] (Approx. 10 Hours)
I owe the entirety of my success in creating Aiko to my previous knowledge in meditation, visualization, and mindfulness techniques. It has been a nightly practise of mine for over two years, and although I was able to successfully visualize Aiko in a tremendously short period of time, there are still many times that I struggle with clearing my head. I'll guide you through my personal experience of meditating, and hope that it helps you. When I begin, I imagine myself sitting in a pristine but empty train station. Whenever an intruding thought enters my mind, it enters as a train - and the thought itself like the graffiti across the side. After the train roars past me, it's gone - and so is the thought - leaving me again in the empty halls of the station. After quite some time without any trains interrupting my peace, I'll gradually visualize a more fitting location - such as an oasis of sorts. I'll place myself under a shady palm, and peer out into a pond - watching the ripples pass. From there, I can add, in my case, Aiko to the scene. In your case, you're going to want to visualize your own Tulpa.
This is where the fun truly begins, your Tulpa's appearance. This is the form that your Tulpa will take, so try to make it count. My method is a little unorthodox, but it made for very quick results, so it's worth giving a shot if you're having trouble. As a foreword, I'll mention that the assets I speak of were accumulated before my meditation session. These assets include various hairstyles, clothing, body shapes, and the likes. There are many resources online to find assets, such as in my case, Pinterest. If you'd like, you could make a folder on your PC or Mac consisting of your favourite assets for what I like to call 'character creation'. When you've committed your favourite assets to memory and have entered a calming state in your meditation when you can clearly and successfully visualize on a whim, I'd like you to imagine 'loading up' a 'character creator', just like from a videogame. However, rather than try to visualize your Tulpa in full, glorious HD - I'd like you to 'render' them in polygons. Let me elaborate. Trying to visualize every part of your Tulpa all at once is a daunting task, so rather than go through every part individually and piece them together like a puzzle, we're going to start with a basic shape and 'upgrade' it in increments of higher resolutions. This way, you start with the full picture and can polish as you go along, and it's harder to accidentally 'forget a part' of your Tulpa. Anyways, back to the creation, render your Tulpa in what you can best imagine as low-resolution, low-poly 'graphics'. Preferably, nude - but if you don't want to see your Tulpa indecent I visualized Aiko in a set of undergarments. Next, I want you to systematically go through every aspect of you Tulpa, from toe to head, and 'up the poly count' gradually. Visualize their vaguely hand-shaped mitt transform into a set of blocky digits, and then again into slender and smooth fingers. Visualize the helmet-shaped mass on their head slowly but gradually change into strands of silky hair. If a style choice isn't working for you, 'select' another - assuming you did your homework, your mind should be filled with countless styles of apparel and hair. The very last part you should craft is their face - visualize a series of bars determining the placement of each item of their face, such as the bend of their nose or the height of their cheekbones. Sculpt their visage into whatever suits your fancy, and when you've finalized your selections, take a deep breath and breath life into your Tulpa for the first time.
Now, to be honest, I had developed Aiko's personality before I had even sat down to meditate on her creation for the first time, but looking back I believe that I should have done it after the fact - as her personality changed the more I narrated and interacted with her. You can literally go in any direction with your choices here, but if you're like me at all, you'd like some spontaneity in your selection. Now, the first thing I did to get Aiko's general outline was take a dual Meyers-Briggs Personality Test. A lot of people don't believe in these types and categories, but you don't need to believe in it for it to work - this is just your general outline of who you want them to be compared to you. I scored as an INTP, like always. However, my answers for Aiko came in as INFP - so making choices based on her emotions rather than logic. Next, I moved onto a more interesting way of going about her personality - consulting tarot. If you don't have a deck, don't fret - you can draw the cards from a random generator online. For this to work, I did a personality spread with Aiko in mind. Basically, you draw nine cards. The first two cards represent your Tulpa's overall personality. Read the description of the card, and take into consideration whether it's upwards or reversed - it makes a huge difference. In Aiko's case, the cards I drew indicated that she's efficient in her tasks, patient, and reliable - although she's highly disorganized and ridiculously over-confident at times. The next card you're going to draw tests their stability, what keeps them going. In Aiko's case, her inner hope and personal motivation gets her up in the morning and keeps her afloat throughout the day. After that, you'll draw the tenacity card. Turns out Aiko isn't the most tenacious person, although she's fiercely independent. Even though she's cautious around others, she still needs to worry about being taken advantage of due to her pure and naive nature. The fifth card you're going to draw deals with their potential, think about this as their fully-actualized self if you're at all familiar with Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is the person that they have the chance to become if all their prior needs are met. In Aiko's case, she could become a source of inspiration for others and a bringer of change. The next card we're drawing is for their opportunity, or in other words their goal. What they hope to achieve. For Aiko, that's to understand the world from a more logical point of view - which will be no easy feat for her, considering she bases her actions on her heart. Seventh card deals in spirituality or lackthereof, it's what your Tulpa believes in for a higher power or order to the universe. This indicated to me that Aiko was very confused and didn't know what to believe in, and that she often feels aimless in life. Eight and ninth drawings are for negative and positive traits - so for instance, Aiko's negative trait is that she sets her sights too high and gets disappointed when she doesn't achieve every wild whim she sets out for herself. However, she's also a very loving, creative, and imaginative being - and she reflects that back on the life that she lives. That's all for the personality tarot session, next is meeting your Tulpa and getting to know them.
To start this off, I'd like to begin you in a state of relaxation and meditation. Go through the train station, back to the oasis, and now envision an elevator ascending up towards the heavens. This elevator leads you back to reality, and you'll journey in it with your Tulpa. As you press the button to enter, you see your Tulpa standing there, waiting for you. This is your chance to introduce yourself. As the elevator ascends, every floor you pass through gives you another opportunity to ask your Tulpa something personal about themselves. This was difficult with Aiko, as even though she spoke and understood language, she didn't really have any grasp on the outside world or what inhabited it. Feel free to take as much time as you like, and ascend as many floors as you please. Once you feel as though you've reached the top - open your eyes, back to your world. Now, narrating to your Tulpa is basically talking to them and waiting to hear a response. Whether it's out loud for you or simply in your mind, you'll know when it's from them and not you. You'll know. It took a couple of hours of what seemed like me talking to myself before I got a response out of Aiko, and it was well worth the time spend, because it felt fantastic. Some examples of narrating that worked for me included watching a movie or show and commenting on characters and situations that arose, watching or reading an online lecture and narrating back what I was learning, and playing a videogame while narrating what I was doing and why I was doing it - like a Let's Play, but just for your Tulpa. This brings us into imposing, which I consider to be the final step.
While imposing, try to be as realistic as possible. Remember, your Tulpa is a real, living being now. Act as if you would act if you had a guest over, bring out an extra chair for them to sit in and open a drink for them to enjoy. Don't walk over or through them, and don't move a piece of furniture that they're currently inhabiting. Set out things for your Tulpa to do, for instance, Aiko has her own 3DS that I leave running for her to play with. When I have to leave for an extended period of time and I'm not taking Aiko with me, I put on an anime for her to watch until I get back. When we play a game together, I make sure I have two controllers and that the other one is connected. When we exercise alongside eachother, I make sure she has enough space and I don't wander into her area so as not to accidentally hit her. Every single detail counts, if you skip something or are lazy about it, the realism dies and their existence seems to fade. Unlike narrating, you want to maintain contact while speaking with your Tulpa. You're no longer talking at them, you're talking to them - so be sure to look at them. If you can't see your Tulpa, look in the area they're supposed to be. Every. Detail. Counts.
I truly hope this gave some insight and assistance into the creation of your Tulpa. Best wishes and good luck from both Aiko and I.
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24-Hour Guide to Tulpamancy
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