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Can other things be imposed into reality other than tulpae?

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I have always been wondering this. What if you are able to impose not only tulpae, but other things like how we see ourselves. I mean, what if we are able to see ourselves to be how we want, rather than how we look now? How about imposing full areas at once into our reality, without harming our sanity to such a huge degree? Is such a thing possible, or are my hopes a bit too high, or is it a not-so-good idea?

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I might not know much, but if you can impose a fully functioning creature with emotions and sentience you could at the very least impose a gorilla head on every single person you see. You could make the road appear to be candy coloured, or project onto a pyramid to make it look like a piece of a toblerone. I think once you can bring something from your mind into your vision you then have the ability through practice to control everything you see.

Name: Assistant

Form: Human female

Progress Report

Last night I said I didn't have a name for her and was cut off with a reply. I couldn't hear the beginning properly but it sounded like Dori but I couldn't hear the first letter as clear and can't tell whether it was an N or a D What's her name?

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I hope this ends with "I wanna see a world full of Morgan Freemans narrating everything I see."

Name: Assistant

Form: Human female

Progress Report

Last night I said I didn't have a name for her and was cut off with a reply. I couldn't hear the beginning properly but it sounded like Dori but I couldn't hear the first letter as clear and can't tell whether it was an N or a D What's her name?

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Reminds me of some shitty hypno script (lol) I stumbled upon years back that was supposed to allow furries to see themselves as catboys.

I guess changing how you see yourself is probably possible, though. Seems like there's no reason you wouldn't be able to, with the right effort.

The above post does not contain facts.

q2's the host, QB's the tulpa.


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Yeah, pretty sure that one can impose whatever they want to into their environment with enough effort. See Phi's reality marble thing that he introduced to the community.

Orange juice helps with concentration headaches.

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