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Possible Method For Faster Sentience



Please note, the following is not meant to be unquestionable but rather to inspire anyone with differing experiences to write a similar guide listing their own experiences so there is something for everyone. It's also meant to be more inspirational than factual so please try to interpret it as you will rather than simply "following" it. I only hope to make a broader field for forcing rather than simply telling everyone to "follow their own path". Especially since, for some reason, a lot of people interpret everything as literally as possible around here.


I notice people have trouble with believing in their tulpa during creation. They can’t really get it to do much of anything, and people just tell them “believe”. But they don’t exactly know “what” to “believe”. They just sit there waiting for their tulpa to talk while “believing”. As I’d like to set up a simple analogy, you don’t win a game just by “believing”, you sort of do it by at least having a vague idea of how the game works.


Now, what a lot of people (or at least I) have come to realize after creating a tulpa, is that they are sort of a personality construct, a sorting machine if you will, for unconscious thoughts, similar to us. When people try to “believe”, they just wait for the tulpa to move, without realizing how that’s supposed to happen, or worse, they think they’re puppeting due to the tulpa using the host’s unconscious thoughts.


When a tulpa moves for the first time, and the host is curious why they knew that would happen, it’s not due to puppeting. The tulpa is gaining sentience, and is using the host’s unconscious thoughts, mainly the easiest ones to grab, which is why the host feels like they’re doing it. During this early creation process, the tulpa feeds off the host’s immediate thoughts like a newborn, and both minds are very intertwined during this process. Now, this does not immediately mean “wait for the tulpa do start collecting thoughts”, though you can try to feed it thoughts somehow. Perhaps puppet it for a moment to see if it can pick up the idea. Though I’m not outright saying you should do that. Simply do what feels right in the context of getting the tulpa to start using your thoughts. But it will take a while if you just “wait”.


So, with this in mind, even if it’s false, if the host knows what to expect instead of having blind faith, it might speed up sentience much quicker. I only realized this myself after my first tulpa was gaining sentience, and this revelation pretty much finished up the process of it gaining sentience. Perhaps if the personnel creating a tulpa realized this before the enlightenment process, it could speed it up much faster.


Of course, it’s up to the host to believe whatever they wish. Again, I just like this better than simply stating they should simply believe, that’s incredibly vague.

Scarlet - anime, 8/15/2012

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Blank vote on this. There's not any noticeable symbolism, it's just explaining a theory behind sentience, and how one may develop "faster" progress. Title might be misleading, though it's saying "possible," and not necessarily making a militant approach in deeming it as the only way to theorize something like this. Like most guide submissions, or any philosophy utilized to conceptualize things like this, they're self-fulfilling prophecies. Not that it really affects the guide submission, but it's just adding on to why I feel I have a blank vote on this.


I personally used this submission and the other one made from OP (I think for vocality) as a supplement towards the development of Eva in particular in my initial stages. But I admit I shifted beyond this due to being able to just go through the motions, and not justify every single little thing through the journey. It can be useful for newcomers to alleviate doubt, and see how self-fulfilling prophecies that don't backfire obviously is going to be useful. And to also remind them of why self-fulfilling prophecies in relation to the tulpa phenomenon is part of the subjectivity in how people conceptualize and validate their tulpa's level of sentience.

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Definitely not a full guide, so I disapprove this for guides. It might work in tips and tricks as there is some very important and useful musings in there, and the author even mentions that this is supposed to make us think instead of just blindly following his words. But I'm not sure if this is really written in a way that would make it a tip. It almost seems more like an article of sorts, but if it's moved to General Discussion then the important tip part of it will be missed.


Hard to say. Perhaps resources, perhaps tips and tricks, perhaps even general discussion. Definitely not a guide, though, but I did enjoy reading it.

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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I'll go with Tips & Tricks on this one:


Tips and Tricks, the division should be whether or not they outline a proper method. If they don't actually give instruction, or the instruction is purely symbolism, it belongs in Tips and Tricks. There's obviously a big grey zone in which case the guide writer should be allowed to decide, or maybe edit the guide. Basically the same criteria apply to tips as do to guides.


Link to this quote: http://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-guides-section?pid=89919#pid89919


It doesn't really give an instruction, and like Sands mentioned, it's more of getting people to start thinking more than militantly following the OP's disposition on this with their heads cut off. Not much symbolism with instruction, so it really fits the first aspect waffles mentioned in the quote above me, so approved for Tips & Tricks.

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I'm unsure where this should go. It's not a guide, maybe a tip, but not entirely. It could in Resources or Tips and Tricks, or even in General Discussion or Research. If people want this to be in Tips or in Resources, count my vote as an approval for that, although personally, I'm not sure it really fits in either of them.


It's a hypothesis about the tulpa creation process, and it's a mindset someone could adopt.


We've had other mindset guides which were disapproved before. In my opinion, having a good mindset is very important for creating a tulpa and a good guide will either come with one, or at least give a few popular examples. Unfortunately, I'm not sure we have any subforum in the Guides section/forum which is supposed to contain such topics. Is this a good thing? I don't know, a mindset is something one usually has to form for themselves, but at the same time, it's also very important to know the mindset of others, especially those who wrote a guide which you're reading or those which (claim to) have a tulpa - so that you could compare it with your own situation, your own experiences and your own mindset, and so that you could know if some particular advice may be useful to you or not.


As for the contents:


Some of the things mentioned are agreeable, while some I'm not entirely sure about.


Personally, I'm more of the opinion that one should learn to deal with doubt head-on and learn to better perceive their tulpa. That said, for some people, it's entirely possible for the boundary between their will and their tulpa's will to be thin initially, which is similar to what this article is hypothesizing - and at least in my opinion one of the major goals of creating a tulpa is letting them develop their own agency/will. This mindset isn't bad, but people shouldn't forget what their goal is and encourage their tulpa to think more on their own - which is something that should happen naturally the more attention the tulpa is given, the more one interacts with their tulpa and the more chances they get to think about things (such as when you narrate to them and give them things to think about).

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Approved. I think it's Tips material. Despite having 'method' in the title, Bin doesn't actually give a method.


Oh and anyone saying "resources" when they're just not sure can fight me. It's not a resource.

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Approved for tips and tricks.

"Assert the supremacy of your Imaginal acts over facts and put all things in subjection to them... Nothing can take it from but your failure to persist in imagining the ideal realized."


-Neville Goddard

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