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Okay, so here´s the deal.

Until recently i only spend 20 hours forcing, but then i suddenly got a guilt trip after she suddenly talked to me "for the first time" (Read: first time i knew that it was her for sure 100% no doubt)

So, being the unemployed scrub that Iam i decided to neglect jobhunting in order to go full hermit and dedicate all my time to her, and since then i´ve forced around another 30 hours (In these past days)

My issue is, i woke up yesterday and as usual i said good morning to her, and for the first time since she talked to me that day, she responded and ever since then she has literary not stopped talking.


The issue isn´t that i don´t want her to talk, quite the opposite actually, i love when people talk almost "too much", i love listening to people and learning about them, but i have no ****ing idea when it´s actually her talking, as it is PRETTY MUCH CONSTANT.

It´s short sentences (Read: maximum of 5 words) and there´s plenty of times when i can pick out her voice/energy/whatever you want to call it in it, but other times it´s just too weak for me to be certain.


TL;DR aka my question:

Should i just allow her to talk and hope that she won´t get pissed if i take something my subconsciousness says as what says, or what?


I feel like i´m going to develop a parroting phobia if i can´t ask her about something and expect an answer i won´t have to doubt.


Inb4 ask her ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

De bedste og smukkeste ting i verden kan hverken ses eller røres, de må opleves med hjertet.

Your subconscious doesn't talk.

If you're really having trouble, ask her to say something at the same time as you say something aloud. If she does this then it's, more likely than it was already, her.


I personally am not seeing any problem here.

Have you even simply tried asking her to quiet down?

Name - Silver

Form - Harpy

Sentience - fully sentient

Personality - Playful, cheerful, enthusiastic, chilled

Smell - Baileys

Stage - Narration and imposition



I feel fucking retarded now.... >_<

I guess this is what i get for focusing so much on the problem that i neglect the most obvious solution.

As for the subconscious talking, what i meant was that i figured i was subconsciously parroting or whatever you want to call it.

English is not my native langauge so i tend to spam commas and phrase sentences in a completely non understandable way :/.

De bedste og smukkeste ting i verden kan hverken ses eller røres, de må opleves med hjertet.

It's her. It sounds like she's practicing talking. I'd let her do it at least until she's more fluent. If it's distracting you from something, you can ask her to quiet down for a bit or talk elsewhere so you don't hear her.

Lyra: human female, ~17

Evan: boy, ~14, was an Eevee

Anera: anime-style girl, ~12; Lyra made her

My blog :: Time expectations are bad (forcing time targets are good though)

I've been in quite the same situation as Natasha 2 weeks ago.

The talking got less over the last week, its very bearable now.

I'm also someone who loves to listen to people who talk a lot but sometimes it was a little over the top...

Also shes starting with pretty complex sentences by now. :3


Everything is fine.

They say great science is built on the shoulders of giants - not here.

At Tulpa.info we do all our science from scratch; no hand holding.

Someone's got First World problems... >.>



I is jelly




Instead of advice, I think congratulations are more appropriate. Like Chupi said, she's probably going hog-wild with her newfound skill. Once the novelty wears off she'll probably quiet down a bit.

Tulpa's name: April

Form: Human female

Working on: Stuff

My Progress Log


"A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind." ~ Robert Oxton Bolton

>Vocal tulpa


I am so peanut butter and jelly right now.

Name: Philip

Age: (7 June, 2012)

Form: Male teenage human, light brown hair, green eyes, jeans & hoodie


Name: Amalia

Age: (15 Dec, 2012)

Form: Female teenage fairy, black hair, blue eyes, white dress

Someone's got First World problems... >.>



I is jelly




Instead of advice, I think congratulations are more appropriate. Like Chupi said, she's probably going hog-wild with her newfound skill. Once the novelty wears off she'll probably quiet down a bit.



Fun coincidence, i was actually thinking about you for a second when i wrote this, i read your progress log and it kinda reminded me of myself so i looked through it and it actually helped me out a lot! :) (I started a day after you)

Was kinda feeling bad about writing this considering you really seem like you´re trying so hard.


If it helps i guess you could say it´s sorta like this, only in large amounts:


So I dunno. So far I'm only accepting automatic responses from her, the ones that seem instantaneous and "feel" more like they're from her. I have no idea if they are even her or not, but going from what other people have been saying, I'm accepting them as her anyways.


but yeah, keep at it, YOU CAN DO IT! :)

De bedste og smukkeste ting i verden kan hverken ses eller røres, de må opleves med hjertet.

As for the subconscious talking, what i meant was that i figured i was subconsciously parroting or whatever you want to call it.


I would venture to say that subconscious parroting isn't parroting. Since your tulpa is, technically, a hallucination, it's controlled by your subconscious anyway. Subconscious parroting, then, would just be your tulpa talking.

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