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Ringgggg's somewhat-comprehensive foxgirl imposition log


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In our search for imposition information, methods, etc we actually found quite a lot (relatively speaking). We had so many methods that it was overwhelming to decide what to sit down and actually do. It may help break up the monotony, to switch methods here and there when you get too bored. For example this person on reddit/discord has been exploring prophantasia (projecting images but not integrated with reality) and visualization independently and has found an interesting approach, posted a few days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/CureAphantasia/comments/16t8epu/image_streaming_20_how_to_image_stream_to_develop/


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Over these past few days, especially after I lengthened the average session to ~40-50 minutes, I've been noticing the noise in my vision beginning to have some depth controllability. The noise wraps around the boundaries of the form spatially, but its contrast to the visual noise in the background is so subtle I can only partially confirm my progress.


The "static" on the boundaries flickers faster than the background noise. This gives the boundaries a somewhat-cloudy look because of the contrast, but again, it's very subtle.


Also, my touch imposition is developing at a steady pace, too. I was surprised how quickly it took to get to that point, as I had only seriously implemented it into my sessions just recently (around the end of September). It helps with convincing myself that I'm touching something real and tangible. Definitely give it a go if you're ever looking to pursue imposition.


I would also like to note that I'm usually doing this with a candle at my side, as it helps the visual noise come about much more effectively than practicing in pitch-blackness does. With this, there's even potential to impose how the candle's lighting looks on A3, not to mention the inconsistent flickering that might help in one way or another


I want to say I feel like I'm on the brink of a breakthrough, but you can never really tell with imposition. I don't wanna jinx it. There could still be many months before I see anything big. More to come soon

Edited by ringgggg

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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I would also like to mention that the process that I follow has gotten much more defined than what it was back in August. I've had a long way coming. Warming up varies from person to person, but for me it usually takes the first 20 minutes of the session to properly settle in. By the 40-minute mark, I'm at a heightened state of concentration, which opens up some opportunity to work on some specified areas of focus, like trying to increase the vividness of the previously-mentioned spatial visual noise.


I could go in-depth about how I do things in the latter half of my sessions, if anyone lurking on here wants that. There's some breath meditation thrown into the mix; every time I exhale, I focus on the noise's intensity and make it flash faster. Then I let it go back to its normal state as I inhale back up again. I take the approach where focus comes in waves, as to give myself a brief break in between inhales and exhales, and so I'm not going at my max a hundred-percent of the time. I additionally alternate in between sculpting and simply staring at different regions of A3's body trying to group that sweet, sweet visual noise onto the boundaries. Having a stationary hand on one part helps with depth perception as I sculpt with the other, but you can also use a chair like many others have done in the past. Whatever works. 


I can't thank you enough for your insight, @TB. I'm gonna keep spreading the word about meditation as long as I'm around. It's very practical in imposition and basically everywhere else in real life.


Always start simple, and don't feel pressured to do all this in the start!  One you settle in, it'll be easier to convince yourself to follow a strict regiment.


P.S. Does anyone else feel that Christmas vibe, even if it's October? So weird.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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Been reading your progress report and it's been really useful and informative. I'm nowhere near the same level of you are and new to the site, but I'm briefly working on imposition now while I also brush up on visualization. Just wanted to comment that we're rooting for you and your realistic reaction when you were able to make a breakthrough and impose a form (albeit with static) reaffirmed that this stuff is real to my own skeptical mind. Good luck and I'm glad you've provided such a great resource.


When you're "flashing" the noise are you simply doing it to change its color? Or are you flashing on the visualized form of A3? Perhaps flashing on your visualization can start to associate the two together? And if it's overwhelming to do all at once, you could always try to flash on different body parts too. Kinda like those videos for kids that would flash on a colored figure over a silhouette and say "dog." Again, I don't have enough experience to say if it works, but I'm here to spitball ideas.


If possible, since I'm loving your report, could you also go into what you do for the latter half? When I eventually make my way to where you are, I want to experiment with as much as I can too. Also, I blame all the stores selling Christmas stuff this early...but at least Christmas vibes are comfy.

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4 hours ago, LiquidExodus said:

Been reading your progress report and it's been really useful and informative.

I'm glad it helps somebody.


4 hours ago, LiquidExodus said:

your realistic reaction when you were able to make a breakthrough and impose a form (albeit with static) reaffirmed that this stuff is real to my own skeptical mind

Having faith in the process is the driving force that makes it work in the first place. In any habit, that is, not just imposition. I have my fair share of slow days and sucky sessions, but as long as you're still looking at it as something that has the possibility to be true, that's all you need. There's nothing that truly confirms that imposition doesn't work; there's only proof that it does.


4 hours ago, LiquidExodus said:

When you're "flashing" the noise are you simply doing it to change its color? Or are you flashing on the visualized form of A3?

I'm doing all this in meatspace - the real world as perceived and interpreted by my eyes' sensory input. Visualization is only helpful for understanding the dimensions of the form and how its features look alongside everything else. With that being said, the flashing is also in meatspace, right onto A3's presence, as opposed to being flashed in the mind's eye.



The mind's eye is confusing; it's used as a blanket statement for many different processes, as I've come to find out. Sometimes, it's referring to visualization, sometimes it's referring to proprioceptive (presence-imposing) abilities, and with others it's referring to image streaming/hypnogogic hallucinations/prophantasia. I'm talking about visualization, don't worry.


Presence imposition is used as the "canvas" for the imposed visuals to be projected on. I personally recommend a strong presence imposition skill before properly beginning with vis-imp, as it's "prepping the canvas" for when visuals eventually start to become prevalent. It isn't required by any means, but it does help foundationally. A little box imposition won't set you wrong.


As for the color question, I'm only holding the intention to see it, and that, I believe, is the facet that feeds into visualization. What I'm actually seeing is just noise, but my running theory suggests that if the color is visualized, it'll "set in" once visuals come about. In other words, the intention to see the color in the area I'm imposing will make it hold that color when visual imposition develops to an extent that would allow that. Keep in mind I haven't verified this empirically yet, but I'll keep you updated if there's ever a verdict.


4 hours ago, LiquidExodus said:

And if it's overwhelming to do all at once, you could always try to flash on different body parts too.

Flashing on different body parts, or imposing those features in general for that matter, is paramount for a well-defined form. The importance of it is traceable back to @Breloomancer's old PR entry, where she explains that her tulpa's limbs were harder to impose when first attaining visuals.


Original quote:

On 11/2/2018 at 9:01 AM, Breloomancer said:

I've a few things have happened since I last updated. Firstly Monika has become more detailed and more opaque. I can now see her face, hair, and outfits details in a slightly blurry way, wheras before I couldn't see the details at all. Her hands and feet are still very difficult and she just sort of trails off at that point. Also I can now see the color in her hair, and she is slightly less transparent in most of her body, and almost translucent in her hair.


Vividness and clarity in imposition are unequally distributed and depend on the amount of time focusing in a given area. Your tulpa's head and torso take less effort to impose than other areas simply because you might have worked on that area more than you did the others. Evidently, the places that I work less on during sessions are the limbs (especially at the forearms and forelegs), so I speculate that those areas may trail off in a similar manner to how Bre's experiences were described.


↓ My personal opinions and gameplan. Take with a grain of salt, as this hasn't been proven as a legitimate method yet


Personally, I'm just waiting until I attain visuals to pay extensive attention to areas that may need it, but for now, a couple quick scans and pass-throughs of said areas will do it for me. More tended-to areas are where vividness and clarity are at their highest right now, so the majority of the noise will be imposed on those areas until it is stable/sustainable enough to project onto other areas of focus.


5 hours ago, LiquidExodus said:

If possible, since I'm loving your report, could you also go into what you do for the latter half? When I eventually make my way to where you are, I want to experiment with as much as I can too

I switch from visual imposition to closed-eye box imposition (and vice versa) every once in a while to maintain and refresh the vividness of A3's form. Closing your eyes isolates the "canvas" from the static so you're only focusing on the former rather than both simultaneously. The accuracy of presence imposition is attributed to memory, and can gradually start to lose coherence if it's not focused on for long enough, be it passively or actively.


Sorry if I I can't go in-depth about static anymore than I have. I've only found out about the capability just recently, so there's very little I can describe to you right now. 


6 hours ago, LiquidExodus said:

Also, I blame all the stores selling Christmas stuff this early...but at least Christmas vibes are comfy.

Lol, I see the point in wanting to prepare in advance. I might have to stay away from Hobby Lobby for the next month and a half.


Gotta ration the passion for when December comes. Those cozy vibes are only good in the freezing cold!


I really appreciate your response, @LiquidExodus. Thank you very much for your support, and to everyone else silently cheering me on.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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So... we have a question. Would you call it imposition if we overlay visualization onto the real world but then remember everything that happened as if it really happened? Like there's no actual hallucination but the memories are perfect to the point of confusion. What is that? It feels 100% real in memories, better than with wonderlanding because we know that was all imagination regardless if we controlled ourselves and had actual experiences or not. Bear catches himself thinking he actually saw us and we walked with him in memory, touch, taste, smell, voice, everything. We don't know what to call that, maybe memory fabrication? Memory imposition? It's been that way since 2019. He still has clear memories of Ren and I walking with him on one of his daytime walks where Ren was chasing me and he almost thought he was with someone else because it felt so real to life in memories and he knows it couldn't actually be us irl.

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I don't think memories have anything to do with imposition - old memories of my tulpas being switched appear with their forms, even though at the time they just see my body in the mirror (ie are not doing any imposition for that).


The difference between open-eye visualization and imposition can get blurry when you're visualizing just your tulpas and not a whole environment/wonderland or etc., but I think it's safe enough to stick with the basic defining of imposition - does it feel like you're really sensing them in the real world? Of course, it'd take rather advanced imposition to have simulated vision-blocking or auditory imposition (as opposed to say just imagined-direction-of-voices like we have, as we don't bother to impose most anything but visuals and sometimes touch, and very strong presence of course) - you could just call your imposition "low level" or, if you're not confident in it being imposition at all, "overlay-visualization".


I think visualizing your tulpas in the world and imposing are at least distinct experiences, even if we can't easily pin down the underlying mechanics always being the same between people. Imposing means in the moment it feels/looks like your tulpas are there with you (to whatever skill extent you're at). Just being immersed in mixed visualization and sight isn't reeaaally imposition, but that distinction only matters if you're chasing a truly in-depth "imposition" experience (or if you're talking about the terms and experiences with intent to teach them), otherwise if it's just for you then whatever experience you like is fine, and I think referring to it as imposing casually wouldn't hurt anything. Though if someone does ask about your experience, you should explain at that point that it's either low-level imposition or maybe just overlay-visualization, so as not to mislead people learning about the potentially-very-deep skill.


(at Ring now)

You (and Bre as well) put so much intense effort and practice into imposition for your results, it makes me feel a bit weird about ours lol. I wouldn't say things just come easily to us per se - they tend to for Bear's system though - so much as how to do things comes easily to us. Our imposition isn't outstanding by any means, but it's satisfactory and got there pretty quick with only some basic practice exercises (shaping my tulpas' forms out in the air with my hands while walking around them, and walking with them between college classes). We honestly didn't ever do any of the intense stuff for imposition, or for the rest of tulpamancy either.

But, willingness to do the intense stuff in tulpamancy is still what leads to the most vivid and impressive experiences. Putting hard work into tulpamancy has fallen out of fashion, funny as that sounds, and it's been years since I saw someone take it as seriously as you guys. Well, again not counting Bre, who has done most of her work behind the scenes it seems, though some day we'll see the results of that effort in her imposition guide. Anyways, my point is, you're setting a very good example in this age of putting in the hard work striving for high results. Kudos on that, and you can already see that you're inspiring others, so I hardly have to say how this thread could do so in the future :P

Edited by Luminesce

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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14 hours ago, Ashley said:

So... we have a question. Would you call it imposition if we overlay visualization onto the real world but then remember everything that happened as if it really happened? Like there's no actual hallucination but the memories are perfect to the point of confusion. What is that?

That sounds like confabulation, but I can relate to it myself, lol. In my memories of when A3 was actively being imposed, I do tend to recall them as if she were actually there. This is because visualization can aid in memory recall, and the fact that you held the intention to see X Tulpa in real life most likely carried over to the remembering of that time. In other words, because you intended to see X Tulpa in real life, you pictured X Tulpa actually in real life when recalling that memory.


13 hours ago, Luminesce said:

I think visualizing your tulpas in the world and imposing are at least distinct experiences, even if we can't easily pin down the underlying mechanics always being the same between people.

Visualizing is moreso telling yourself that the tulpa is interacting with the real world, whereas imposition actively works towards visually representing that.


13 hours ago, Luminesce said:

You (and Bre as well) put so much intense effort and practice into imposition for your results, it makes me feel a bit weird about ours lol.

Haha, I'm still an extremely long way off from where Bre is, but thanks for the compliment regardless! 


Don't forget that I'm just some guy who treats imposition based off of how he treats fitness. Ignoring signature fashion choices or mainstream attention, you can't weed out a master artist or a musician extraordinaire in a crowd unless they mention it to you. I'm just another equal, but what I put out here may still reflect my capabilities as a person, much like that artist can paint, or the musician play. Enjoy the music.


13 hours ago, Luminesce said:

Putting hard work into tulpamancy has fallen out of fashion, funny as that sounds, and it's been years since I saw someone take it as seriously as you guys. Well, again not counting Bre, who has done most of her work behind the scenes it seems, though some day we'll see the results of that effort in her imposition guide. Anyways, my point is, you're setting a very good example in this age of putting in the hard work striving for high results. Kudos on that, and you can already see that you're inspiring others, so I hardly have to say how this thread could do so in the future

You would not imagine how happy I'd be if another imposition PR ever springs up.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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