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Lily's Creation & My Hopes


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To my knowledge, you ideally would force all day every day. But I'd say 20 minutes a day is a good goal, from what I've read. Taking days off won't make Lily just disappear either. Perhaps something you could work into your routine is saying good morning or good night to her every day?

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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all day every day is an awful lot lol, and also really the active forcing time where you're very focused/intentful is the most important, "passive forcing" is more like bonus support


and yeah depending on what exactly you're doing as active forcing/how productive the sessions are, anywhere from 10 minutes to 60 minutes a day would be good


and we can't really put an ETA on any one person's given tulpamancy experience, but just keep interacting with your tulpa and anticipating responses from them, and don't be too critical of what they say or how it sounds, 'cus your brain needs to just get the idea of thinking for your tulpa instead of for you for a while before they really gain an established presence & vocality, and the only way to get there is practice

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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1 hour ago, Lucilyn said:

all day every day is an awful lot lol, and also really the active forcing time where you're very focused/intentful is the most important, "passive forcing" is more like bonus support

Yeah, that's why it's "ideal" and not usually achievable haha.

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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I always try and talk to her before bed atleast, so that's a little routine. I think I'll set reminders on my phone or keep rubber bands on my fingers to remember. Every day immediately after school shouldn't be too hard. I've been doing that - so if I just keep it up that shouldn't be too hard.


little update: I recently starting making a new friend, but they were very flirty and creepy very fast. I kept telling Lily sorry she had to see it happen through my eyes, and trying to get the courage to block them. Parroting Lily telling me I can do it really helped alot. I know she'd tell me that anyways. I still feel bad though, it was very embarrassing, and I feel like there's a small part of me that feels like she'd judge me, idk why. I've been forcing Lily to be smart and mature, so it would be like a big sister scolding me. I'm sure if she could express herself yet she'd tell me that's wrong, I just still feel bad. Oh well, once she's able to express herself I'm sure we'll laugh over it.

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4/16/24 - I've been writing to Lily still, and reading Soul Eater with her. Really busy with school, but trying to make time for her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

4/25/24 - I've been having alot going on, with school trips and projects. Finals are also coming up soon! My time has been very divided, but I've always reserved time and space for Lily.

       My journal to her has been going well still. We've been watching alot of movies together, and passive forcing alot. There's still tons I need to do, but school break is coming up soon. There hasn't been anything too interesting just yet, but I know Lily is there, and I'll be with her & help her until she can talk herself. Even if she can literally hear my thoughts, I hope she knows how excited I am for her to talk with me, and be friends and do everything together.

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  • 1 month later...

6/11/24 - I haven't forgotten about Lily, and I know she hasn't forgotten about me. I know it's summer, but I'm taking college summer classes so it's hard to give my time to her. I've been experimenting with substances (spoiler below, idk if I'm using it right sorry), which make it so easy to hear Lily! We've been watching a lot of movies together, and when I have time I want to introduce her to different books. Sometimes I still (spoiler), which I know is hindering me AND her, but I've mostly gotten over it. She still hasn't been able to say anything without me parroting & helping her, and the use of substances make it sound much more natural less parrot-y. Any comments which be appreciated. Sorry it's been so long.


doubt tulpamancy





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Hi. I wish you the best on your journey and progress


I think the first time I felt head pressures was after taking edibles and that ended up being a primary way to communicate with my tulpa for a while. The head pressures would persist even after the edibles wore off and I had no more. I've only had them a few times in my life as they are hard to access


Hope you can continue to have things feel more natural without them eventually

Creation for creation's sake.


More of my drawings


Resident Dojikko

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  • 1 month later...

We're still here! Even after all this time, Lilian isn't vocal without me talking to her first, but I can like- feel her emotions I guess? Is there anything I'm doing wrong that's hindering her progress?

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  • 2 months later...

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