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Possession & Switching


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Seems to me it would work better to work your way up to it...


Also note that body swap seems to me the most likely to require effort to reverse, and/or require the tulpa to voluntarily hand back the controls.


Judging from the last guide, swapping back for those which lived their entire life as the host would be easy at first.

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I've been interested in this possession thing as well, and I'm going to develop this ability for my tulpa. I've had this planned since I defined her traits.


The main thing is that we'd both have to agree on the possession and we'd have to do a certain ritual where we'd put our hands against each other and say "possess." She'd then control my body and voice, but I'd be able to back out by saying "return." Since I'm developing this ability as I go, it'll be easier to handle the way I intend. Plus, I'm sure I'd trust my tulpa enough to do this, and I want her to be able to "experience" the world, even if I'd just be a proxy.


I'll just slowly practice it as I develop her. I'm only going to do it for real when she's fully ready, however, and that won't be in a while.

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This raises the question of what it'd be like for people whose tulpae are not humanoid. If a body-switch was successful, would you actually feel like you were in the body of a pony, for example? It sounds unlikely, but I've also heard multiple accounts of transformation feeling incredibly realistic in lucid dreams, so it seems to me like it might be possible.


Also, how a "body-switch" would feel with a tulpa without a body.

Tulpa: Brook

Stage: We're back at the beginning

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This raises the question of what it'd be like for people whose tulpae are not humanoid. If a body-switch was successful, would you actually feel like you were in the body of a pony, for example? It sounds unlikely, but I've also heard multiple accounts of transformation feeling incredibly realistic in lucid dreams, so it seems to me like it might be possible.

I shapeshifted few times while I was in my wonderland. Not to any certain creature, but into very complex shape, surrounding tulpa. I stopped when I noticed that she is scared by this. When I came back to reality, I was in really weird and uncomfortable position.

I was considering possession, but only of my hands to let her work on pc.

What I'm curious about is:

Probably tulpa can't poses her host, because she dont have skill to control physical body. So I assume, when someone learns his tulpa possesion, she gains those skills. Host can overtake a body when he want's because his body control skills are significantly higher than tulpae. But what if tulpa would posses body so long, she learns to control body as well as host. Or what if host is tired or sleeping. Would it give tulpa posibility to overtake anytime? It would be like constant fight to be in control.

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I hope I'll be able to trust my tulpa and we'll be close enough that I'll give her access to these things, like my hands or my subconscious. That would be fun for both of us.

I want to make a tulpa. That's why I'm here.

Tulpa Name: Shai, ✓Personality, ✓Visualization, ✓Touch, ✓Smell, Body Language and Sentience ❑

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Possession is such a fluffy term. The only thing I could think of that remotely resembles what is popularly known as 'possession' is using something called overlays. I'm sure a tulpa could use an overlay to take control of their creator. In fact, I think that I might just try it out.


Anyways, an overlay is sort of like an energetic lattice that, if made and used properly, changes thought patterns. Thus, a tulpa could theoretically send one signals through the overlay which will change thought patterns and cause them to move and do things to the tulpa's whim. I'll try one out and get some results up.

Orange juice helps with concentration headaches.

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That's one of the only articles I know about, and the rest I've gleened from message board conversations and personal experience. You may have to pick away the fluff. The guild is generally not bad with fluff but this article is pretty terrible for it.

When I say pick away the fluff, I mean try and separate the crap from the facts.

Orange juice helps with concentration headaches.

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