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Sentience confirming/anti puppeting guide



You need to let go of your fears of parroting/puppeting at least for this. Let them do whatever they want and tell them "Surprise me!".


It might seem too easy to be true, but this guide actually works, because the tulpa will surprise their host and thus prove their sentience to them.


I hope this method helps many people to let go of their worries about puppeting/parroting.

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tell them "Surprise me!".


This helped immensely. Not only did it help to smother my fears, but it spurred several stirring conversations with my Tulpa, and really brought out his personality.

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I didn't say surprise me this time but she gave me an image of a skinned and bloody image of a dog except with those actor mask like things (hope you know what i am talking about)

Needless to say, i was surprised

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I tried this with Fuzz. Next thing I knew, she was standing on top of the refrigerator eating a baguette.


Needless to say, I was quite surprised.



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Well, Zyr still gets annoyed when I even think about it with him. So I decided to try it with River a couple days ago. He gaped his mouth open like he was going to eat me, but then he dove into me and made me fat. Yep. Surprising as always. XD

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I didn't ask Jennifer to surprise me, but after looking at this thread, she asked "Do you want me to surprise you?" Now, given that she can almost never say anything without me saying something to her first so far, I found this to be fairly surprising. So, nicely done there.

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As i said "suprise me" Hyun immediately looked at me like, really? am i a clown to you? then he went to bathroom and brought some pants and then he started running around and juming on the beds. after that he added "is this enough?" xD

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Devin was swinging on his swingset when I asked him to surprise me. He paused at forward apex, in utter defiance of physics, and stared at me as I tried to figure out if it was my idea or not.


...Probably his idea?

Maggie David (she or they, birthday June 4)


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