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Sentience confirming/anti puppeting guide



You need to let go of your fears of parroting/puppeting at least for this. Let them do whatever they want and tell them "Surprise me!".


It might seem too easy to be true, but this guide actually works, because the tulpa will surprise their host and thus prove their sentience to them.


I hope this method helps many people to let go of their worries about puppeting/parroting.

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so, I asked her to surpise me, she ran into her room, and came back with a present, inside was a gun... she took it and shoot herself in the head... that sure as hell surprised me...

See ya! :cool:

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inside was a gun... she took it and shoot herself in the head...




well, in my case, Chloe turned into some sort of monster and bite my face. Then turn back into a girl and smile...

Chloe - That cheerful girl with ponytail.

Aigis - The male cyborg that looks like raiden in MGR.

Vixen - Half dragon female who looks like Mary in DMC3 when in human form.

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Upon reading, he quickly teleported himself in and out of my ribcage, returning covered in blood and shouting "tada!"

A successful surprise... it actually managed to freak me out a bit. The first part mainly.

The above post does not contain facts.

q2's the host, QB's the tulpa.


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QB is so lewd... going in and out of people without permission...

As far as surprises go, I remember Kate baking me a cake once, or that other time where she shot lasers.

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Somehow, I still find that cute.


You must be into guro.

Chloe - That cheerful girl with ponytail.

Aigis - The male cyborg that looks like raiden in MGR.

Vixen - Half dragon female who looks like Mary in DMC3 when in human form.

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