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Planting a Tulpa Seed and How to Listen to It



I. Foreword


__This guide mainly touches on the initial personality creation step of creating a full tulpa. The later sections fall more onto first contact and how I overcame doubts in regards to communication with my tulpa. Now, It's important to note that this guide comes from and builds upon the idea of a host producing an accidental tulpa from a created character from their own fiction writing, or role-playing character. This established identity isn't the fully formed tulpa, but the basis of were the real tulpa comes from. With this method, personality forcing is the foundation for a tulpa to grow into a full separate consciousness. The stronger the personality forcing, the stronger foundation. Know that others have reported successes without any personality forcing, but these people have used other methods entirely. I would like to encourage you to find the process that best suits you. I would recommend my guide to anyone that is better with words than they are with visual representation. This approach favors writing out and listing things over closing one's eyes and visualizing.


II. Personality


noun per·son·al·i·ty |pər-sə-ˈna-lə-tē

1. Psychology

____a.the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual.

____b.the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual.

2. the quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity.


__Given this definition, personality is probably the most important step in the creation process, because essentially the personality is your tulpa. Just like you, a tulpa will have their own personal identity. All you are doing here is planting a seed and nourishing it. You may not be able to control how many flowers are bloomed, or how big the apples are, but you have the choice of planting a tulip seed or an apple seed. This is where deviations come into play (for more on this refer to Section III-A-ii near the end of this guide). Essentially, you don't have control of the end product, but you can help steer it in a positive direction. With time, this starting personality will evolve into much more, but for now all we can do is create the seed and pour our love and attention into it so that it will grow into something amazing.


__It's probably a good idea to give your tulpa the best head-start that you can by being as thorough as possible when creating a foundational personality, or a tulpa seed. In fiction writing, without a well-developed personality a character is flat and uninspired. In fiction, round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than flat, or static, characters. If you think of the characters you most love in fiction, they probably seem as real to you as people you know in real life. Now, obviously a tulpa is not just a character in a script, they seem to have a mind of their own, so you should strive for a round tulpa seed and not a flat one.


__A. Internal Personality


__Start off by brainstorming basic personality traits by either writing them out on a sheet of paper, or typing them out on a word document. Here is a very simple video on personality traits to give you some ideas, and a big list of personality traits. Something to consider is the overall mood of your tulpa seed. Many people have default states that they always seem to jump back into. I’m sure you know some people that always seem to find something to be mad about, or the perpetual victims, or the really happy, cup-is-half-full people. What is your tulpa’s default mood? This will affect their world views and personal philosophies. Some examples that I can think of include: cheery/sad, logical/emotional, determined/lazy, outgoing/shy, formal/laidback, patient/impatient.

is a good video on this (in terms of fiction writing) by Cy Porter.


____i. Intentions and Motivations


__The next thing to consider is your tulpa seed’s intentions, and motivations. Write out the answers to the following questions. Why do they do what they do? What do they strive for and/or want? Maybe they always want to do the right thing. Maybe they want people to think that they are smart/insightful. They could just want to have a good time and relax. Perhaps they want to make people laugh. They could just want to be accepted, or fit in. Maybe something selfish or even sinister. Who knows? It’s up to you to figure this out.


____ii. Persona


__This next step takes your tulpa seed to a new level, and makes it even more realistic. The answer to this question will probably take time, but it is worth considering in detail. How do they intentionally present themselves, and how would you expect others to view them versus how they want to be viewed? Everyone has a social mask or persona that they intentionally present to others. It doesn’t have to be a drastic difference from how they really are (they don’t have to be a sociopath), but it’s an important consideration to make.

is another video from Cy Porter on this subject.


____iii. Flaws


__This step in personality development may be a difficult one to create, if you choose to include it. Creating flaws is not necessarily essential, but worth considering. Everyone has flaws, whether they admit it or not. This is what makes people real and relatable. I don’t have a ton on this, but consider creating some character flaws in your tulpa seed. These don’t have to be huge, but they might make them seem more realistic and relateable off the bat. They can vary from being a little self-centered or inconsiderate to hating puppies. Try to think of a few and write these down, and make sure these traits are things that you can live with. After all, you will be around this person constantly and for a long time to come, so use your best judgment.


__B. External Personality


____i. Physical Form


__Now that the internal part of your tulpa seed’s personality has been solidified, you should consider the physical expressions of its personality. Try to answer this simple question in as much detail as you can: What would people notice first about your tulpa if they could see them? Write a list of everything you can think of. Think of their species, their build, height, weight, complexion, Hair style/color, etc. What style of clothes do they prefer to wear? Formal, casual, all black or pink, maybe even extravagant like Lady Gaga or Gene Simmons, or possibly none at all. How do they walk or stand? Maybe they walk tall/stand straight, slumped over, they could have a limp, or walk bow legged. Your imagination is the limit.


____ii. Voice


__So you know what your tulpa seed acts like and looks like, but how do they sound? Voice is an important part of anyone’s personality. How does their voice sound exactly? Think of the pitch, timbre, inflection, and volume. If you need help deciding feel free to take ideas from television, radio, or even real life. If your tulpa has an accent that is foreign for you, youtube has plenty of guides for knowing how other cultures speak. This link may help you if you decide to go down this path. It’s also important to think about how much they talk. Are they talkative, or do they only speak when they feel that they need to. Also, think of the word choice they would likely make. A tulpa that is very proper and desires to seem intelligent would most likely not cuss like a sailor or make racial slurs. Just use common sense here, and it should come fairly easily.


III. Interaction


__After you have figured out the previous information about your tulpa you are finally ready for the fun part, interacting with them. Have you have ever planned out a conversation, or argument in your head with someone that you know very well? Then you have already had a very similar experience to having a tulpa. Where does the other person’s words come from? Well, from you, but not exactly. You know this person and their personality. The words will likely be how you imagine they would react to something that is going on, or something that you have said. You know them so well that you don’t have to think about what to make them say, they just talk. Tulpas interact with their host in much the same way. After you know your tulpa’s basic personality, temperament, and overall character traits, everything else becomes easier. Once you have this down, the next part should be somewhat simple. Although, this is what trips most people up the most.


__A. Contact


__How do you talk to them? How do you know it’s really them? Over time I have learned what it's like when she talks, but this is abstract and makes sense only to her and me, eventually you will find what works through trial and error. However, the following may help you in the early stages if you don't mind walking off the beaten path for a bit.


__You should know your tulpa's starting personality exceptionally well at this point. When attempting to get a response think about what has been said and if it fits into what you already know about your tulpa seed. If it fits, then there is a high likelihood that it is your tulpa, but even so it might be a good idea to ask for clarification at first to be sure. If the response does not fit, then ask for clarification to be sure. Always be mindful of deviations. In essence, you should treat your tulpa like you would treat anyone in life that you are having a hard time understanding. Shaking your head yes constantly will get you nowhere, and just saying "what" over and over could get tiresome. Guessing what they have said based on context and what you know about them, then checking to see if you understood them correctly would be a good middle ground. Essentially, you are sensing the intent of your tulpa and the personality that you have been cultivating, not forcing them to respond to you or just ignoring them. You are talking to your tulpa and waiting for a response, and checking at first to see if you got it right.


__How do you check this? Head pressures seemed to work well for us. These feel almost like non-painful headaches, or a strange compression inside your head. You can ask them to send this signal if you understood them correctly, we even got to the point of her sending them to different parts of the head for yes and no answers. At first, It does take some time and concentration to feel these, but you should know it when it does happen. Others have used transferred emotions/feelings, or even imagined pictures to communicate outside of mind voice, or simple thoughts. You'll find what works best for you eventually.


____i. Individuality


__This method assumes that because you already have an idea of the character (or personal identity) of your tulpa, that you will be able to sense and infer what they are trying to say. This will start out feeling just like having that imaginary conversation I described in the introduction to this section (III. Interaction), only with the ability to stop and check if you understood. Eventually this form of communication becomes easier and clearer the less you worry about parroting or puppeting. Please keep in mind that what I have mentioned here is not a very commonly held practice in this community at this time, and many hosts seek out other means of early communications. This is just one path you have to choose from, and what ended up working for me in the end. In my personal experience, the only reason I could not talk to my tulpa sooner was because I was too worried, and blocked out everything that I thought might have been me. My tulpa was able to talk from pretty early on, I was just too naive to simply relax and listen.


____ii. Deviations


__Deviations do happen to most tulpas to some extent; I’ve had a complete 180 on how I thought my tulpa looked, and even a change in her gender. You might ask yourself, why put all of this effort and time into personality forcing if they might just decide to change parts of it later on? Personality forcing is also about feeding your tulpa with as much attention as possible. Tulpas thrive off of attention, and grow stronger the more you give them, and the more you interact with them. These thoughts are not wasted if deviations happen, it's just part of the long and complex journey of tulpa creation. All of your twists and turns along the way accumulate into the vibrant and unique life-form that we know as a tulpa, and bring you two closer together. Just be flexible and prepared for change.


____iii. Doubts


__These are inevitable, and important to face head on. I have given you some ways that I have rationalized and dealt with my doubts. I've realized that doubts about what a tulpa is, or if I really could hear mine, are pointless in the end. They separate a tulpa and host, and that is the opposite of what we are all trying to accomplish. I take the road of just enjoying the time that I have with my tulpa, and knowing that not everything in life is knowable; I chalk this up as one of the unanswerable aspects of life. This reasoning may not work for you, and that is understandable. It wouldn't have worked for me at first, I let doubts cripple my connection with my tulpa, and through that I have gained my own perspective on it. You will have doubts, it will not be easy to overcome them. New doubts will rise and you will have to work on them, too. This is the cycle that tends to happen. In the end, I think this is what separates a successful host/tulpa relationship and the ones who walk away forever; learning to keep going even through uncertainty.


IV. Closing


__I would like to say that you should not take anything too seriously in life, even tulpa creation. Have fun with this, and follow what you think is right. Find your own path, your own method, and enjoy the process as much as you enjoy the end product. And please do not use a tulpa as a replacement for a social life, friends, or lovers. A tulpa is a tulpa, not like anything or anyone else you’ve experienced. They are their own special beings that are always there for you. They can help you through your worst problems and share your greatest joys. Hell, maybe I’m just bat-shit crazy, maybe we all are. All I know for sure is that I wouldn’t trade my tulpa for the world. So if you are new to creating a tulpa, hang in there. It will get easier, maybe even a little too easy. You’ll get there, you both will.

Host: Ayre

Tulpas: Coda and Segno


Shameless Progress Report Plug:

Ayre's Opus 1: Informal informative index of inhabitants in an invisible inner-world.

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Don't think I really have any other questions or things that seem like they should be changed, so it's an approval from me! If other changes happen, I'll keep an eye on them.

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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Alright, I've read your guide just now but not all of the replies yet. Overall, I think it's a great guide, and it's one I wish I had had when I first started tulpamancy. I can't think of anything wrong with it off the top of my head. I vote to approve.

People seem to dislike the "flaws" section, but I disagree. If the goal of a tulpamancer is to create a living, breathing(well, metaphorically) conciousness, then you cannot have perfection, because all personalities are inherently "flawed". Moreover, something that is detrimental in one situation is beneficial in another. If someone is arrogant, then they have high self-confidence. If someone is constantly happy, excited, joyful, it can get annoying at times. A purely logical (one possible interpretation of 'perfect') mind has no personality. (Star trek fans: Even vulcans have emotions, they just supress them)


Any farther than this and I'm digging into what reason anyone has for making a tulpa, and I think I'll save that for another post.

Hey, I thought of some constructive criticism!


You mention it briefly, but I think you should go into more detail: A tulpa feeds and grows on attention. To develop any tulpa the one consistent thing you always need throughout various different methods is to talk to (or somehow interact with) the tulpa, as much as possible.

Other people have mentioned 'opinions' but I think that this is factually incorrect. Tulpas do not need personality forcing to develop personalities. They do not need detailed personality forcing to develop detailed personalities. This is borne out by the experience of everyone who did anything short of a hyper-detailed personality forcing, and all those who did none at all. For that reason, I think that this guide is misleading. You don't need this stuff, so don't scare people into thinking that they do.


You don't need it, but I would strongly reccomend it. I did nearly zero personality, and Snow ended up erratic as well as partially becoming whatever form she took. To this day I regret not doing much in that field, and I would strongly reccomend it to anyone making a tulpa.


I remember thinking that I'd simply let Snow choose her traits (both form and personality). The problem here is a Catch-22, The decisions about the personality require the ability to make decisions, which requires a personality.


Now, everyone has different brains. Perhaps some people are able to have a unique personality pop up, without having to do the work described in this guide. But it certainly can't hurt, can it?

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I would like to thank everyone for any criticisms and approvals my guide has gained thus far.


Jean-luc, thank you for your input. It could stand to reason that elaborating on the concept of attention being the catalyst for tulpa creation could benefit new members. I had assumed that this was common knowledge, I will consider this as I want to make this a new-user friendly guide.


As far as what Waffles had said, it was for an older version of the guide that has now been reworded. I had said that it was necessary, but failed to mention that others (like you, apparently) have done well without it. I believe this has been solved in the foreword section.

Host: Ayre

Tulpas: Coda and Segno


Shameless Progress Report Plug:

Ayre's Opus 1: Informal informative index of inhabitants in an invisible inner-world.

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After a somewhat lengthful conversation with OP, I was told to re-read the guide because it was possible I was misinterpreting some stuff, and here is what I think. This is just my opinion, I respect all other stances, and am not out there to set out an 'example' for what is 'real' or 'true'. You guys believe what you want, I believe what I want, and as long as nobody takes any offense in the following... that's all fine and dandy.


I would be a hypocrite if I kept this in for any longer in my own books, but in case this is accepted and publicized in a way that every single beginner reads it at least once, then that will cause a large decline in the credibility and the overall tulpamancy phenomenon, which will lead to hurt this community. What the problem is is that the more people join the forum the more mixed thoughtforms we find; all legitimate, none legitimate, that is none of my concerns. But what is of my concern is when one is mistaken for a tulpa. Not in the elitism sense that having a tulpa is all fragile and precious, something to take pride in, I regard tulpamancy as a step forward derision, but what I mean is that it's like you're giving a guide to make a daemon and labeling it as tulpamancy. It's not the fear of change either, points of view are to be respected and I've had a long conversation with you in PM already in which the end-result seemed to be something more of contradictions such as 'I am not parroting my tulpa' when the initial steps of the interpretation and interaction say just that. You are not explaining how the traits make any sense to the tulpa aside from the simple explanation of 'just because'; the tulpa would have no motive or incentive to have such traits aside from you picking them for the tulpa. Plenty of people did not write down traits or personality, and their tulpas ended up gaining traits from real-life experience on a daily basis, they grew up, just like people. My moral issue with this is that this is, with due respect, microwave tulpas. I'll be blunt and say that we're all confusing the creation of a complex intelligent being with 'assigns traits you want, assign a form you might be infatuated with at a certain point to fulfill your personal emotional agenda, and voila'. If I was an outsider, and trust me, I really really don't hold anything against OP as we did have a conversation in PM, I'd have interpreted this as me talking to myself, imagining a response until I forgot I was the one imagining them, which would very much make sense with the consistent self-doubt. One issue pile ontop of the other. I see a lot of unwarranted bias towards parroting and from my lurking back in the day people were just simply afraid of it without knowing WHY, just because 'oooh its me', but there are very clear indications that this is a method that promotes parroting. Can it be a legitimate technique of tulpamancy? Maybe. I think that the question would be to ask how many people have succeeded in the type of self-deception that parroting would make anyone think of, any outsider, that is. OP (with all the due respect and appreciation I hold for them) have specified their views over tulpamancy and regarded it as self-deception. That is completely fine, it's good to see people who aren't afraid to voice their opinions. But what is bad, in my opinion and I am no GAT so you guys can just completely ignore this, is that we're completely and utterly neglecting the negative side this specific technique could have. The main issue I see with this is the 'interaction' part. On the flaws part, no comment, whether you like it or not intelligent beings are flawed so there's no need to assign flaws, and to me, it just seems like the perfect way towards self-deception even more.


Maybe I'm wrong. Most likely. Maybe the ways changed from back, what, a few years ago, and people are deriving more into other type of thoughtforms that originate from that detachment of one's sense of identity and reality due to trauma and psychological distress. A lot could be said. I know that people are going to perceive this type of close-mindedness as elitism, and I do not care for that. I am no elitist in tulpamancy, if you guys think that it's cool to have a being in your head... I regard it as more of a very complex model of psychology. Maybe I'm the voice that shouldn't be here and keeps the hugbox from opening fully. Sorry.


All views are to be respected, I 100% agree with this considering tulpamancy can be such a subjective practice, after the community's decline to agree to a somewhat objective definition for what a tulpa is, we are unable of putting super specific criteria over tulpamancy, although there are some modes of action tulpas seem to share. I do not oppose the vision that tulpas are willful self-delusion, that is your view and I fully respect it and am alright with it. What I am not alright with is people, beginners, curious minds coming on the forum to read one guide SUPPORTED by the community saying that tulpas are delusions, AND other guides telling them otherwise. It is expected of an author to be subjective, of course, I respect that and it's natural after all, but the moment, the moment you tell outsiders that a tulpa is a delusion and when it's featured in a guide on the front page of the Guides forum/section/car/plane, it gives a very bad impression of tulpamancy. You think tulpas are a delusion, other people think otherwise, but what's the message we want to deliver to beginners? That a tulpa is whatever you want it to be? Please, for a moment, let's forget about elitism, and read this outloud: 'Is my imaginary friend from when I was 5 years old a tulpa'. Read it outloud and try to grasp what I mean here. People on reddit will claim that it's a tulpa or something that they should work on, but that's utterly bypassing everything a tulpamancer SHOULD keep in mind. Things such as reasons NOT TO MAKE A TULPA, the amount of responsibility it takes... if you put in people's heads that this is a delusion they're going to become more neglecting and lazy. Neglecting in the sense that they'll tell themselves 'oh i am progressively deluding myself it won't be bad if i drop it for a month or two, it's only a delusion after all', and lazy in the same sense approximately. That won't be the case instantly, though. It would be a step forward this type of decline in... credibility. Not how our tulpas look like, not how my tulpa looks like to others, I could not possibly care if people called me deluded and a smug elitist at this rate, but how the tulpa phenomenon actually looks like on the level of credibility.


I know that the GAT members are very valuable reviewers and from what I've seen most of the team is made of intelligent people, but they should have kept that in mind, and what I am advancing is just... food for thought.

A wise man once said: 'Before judging a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? He's a mile away, and you've got new shoes.'


Graced are those who could avoid this phenomenon. This is perhaps the worst expression of evil in humanity's history, but who am I to judge?

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Judas, what you're saying is something to consider. But I don't think that the guide is as incendiary as you make it out. Here's the quote:

__How do you talk to them? How do you know it’s really them? To answer this we should first look at what I believe a tulpa to actually be. I believe that tulpas are a self-willed delusion of sorts created by the host for various reasons that become indistinguishable from a separate being over time. The actual differences between the host and the tulpa, or if a tulpa is truly a second mind is moot. That is to say that these are only debate topics, and hold no real weight on my relationship with my tulpa. She seems real to me, so I treat her as such; simple as that.


This is not just "tulpas are just delusions". The words are in there, but so are other words. I think it's actually a bit too vague and uncommitted to really get anything strong out of it, but I guess I can see why you might get what you think people would out of it. Maybe a wording change might help here: something along the lines of how it should eventually feel. In truth, if someone wants to dig around here, I don't want to be the one organising a conspiracy saying that every guide writer has to conform to the party line.


As for other things you said; do people have success with parroting methods? I think some do. Certainly this isn't the only parroting guide out there. And your argument from complexity doesn't hold, actually, because the alternatives for creation are even simpler. I mean you can render everything down to, "X, Y, and voila".

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Thanks for that thought, Iscariot.


The odd thing about the illusion issue is that, in truth, it was one of the founding ideas of the community. Many of the folks I knew who got in to it had the idea that it was an illusion that the host would accept instead of trying to break through it .


Of course, saying the seniors of the community said it doesn't make this idea true. Especially when you throw in the instances where people who say "It is an illusion" treat their creation no differently than a person who says "It is true sentience". In this, the acts of the former betray their words.


I'm going back over through the guide again and mulling over some things about it. I'll have some more stuff on the issue later.

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J.Iscariot, while I respect your right to your own opinions, I have to disagree with most of what you have said. Our discussion in particular was the tipping point of me scrubbing my guide of as many person opinions about tulpas as possible. You were right about old versions, they were mostly opinion pieces, but this has changed. So let's dive into this while we are all here.


What the problem is is that the more people join the forum the more mixed thoughtforms we find; all legitimate, none legitimate, that is none of my concerns. But what is of my concern is when one is mistaken for a tulpa. Not in the elitism sense that having a tulpa is all fragile and precious, something to take pride in, I regard tulpamancy as a step forward derision, but what I mean is that it's like you're giving a guide to make a daemon and labeling it as tulpamancy.


This is by definition, Elitism. Don't kid yourself. This is how I created my own tulpa, by extension, you are calling my tulpa a daemon that is labeled as a tulpa; this is disrespectful. You have no right to create your own definitions of tulpas and force this on anyone else.


What is a tulpa?


"A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs."


This is what is written on the home page of this very site. By this definition, what I have described actually fits very well. Until the home page is edited, you are completely, unequivocally wrong. let's have a refresher on what I wrote:


"I believe that tulpas are a self-willed delusion of sorts created by the host for various reasons that become indistinguishable from a separate being over time. The actual differences between the host and the tulpa, or if a tulpa is truly a second mind is moot. [...] She seems real to me, so I treat her as such; simple as that."


Is my tulpa not a real tulpa because I view her as a delusion? I feel like this is your main concern.


if you put in people's heads that this is a delusion they're going to become more neglecting and lazy.


Is this true? It hasn't been for me. I have this view and I'm not lazy. People that are neglectful and lazy are going to be so despite my views on tulpas. In fact, I advocate a high degree of work and effort in my guide.


I love that you are fixated on one sentence out of this entire guide. I clearly state my opinion as just that, my opinion. I leave this vague and unassuming on purpose. I want people to make up their own minds. By cutting out views that differ in any way we lose any real understanding and hope of progress. Should my guide be thrown out because it states a viewpoint? Is this not a place of science? Are we not free to question things?


Why is it important to deceive new people into thinking that all experienced hosts agree on pointless semantics about a purely subjective phenomenon that hasn't even been scientifically proven? You sound like a religious zealot that demands all members align to your personal views and try to silence any that oppose your preconceived notions of something that no one here fully agrees on.


I'm going to stop this rant before it gets out of hand. My guide stays how it is on these points, get over yourself.

Host: Ayre

Tulpas: Coda and Segno


Shameless Progress Report Plug:

Ayre's Opus 1: Informal informative index of inhabitants in an invisible inner-world.

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This message will be directed at both Waffles and Ayre. Both of you have my sympathy for bothering to respond and considering what I had to say, and I hold respect for that behavior. I really do appreciate it.


Waffles, what initially sets me off is not the fact that OP calls it a self-deception. I did mention that I respect all views and that I was glad someone was openly voicing what they thought, although I very much understand how I came off and gave the impression that all that mattered was what OP said. Of course, that would drive my entire post somewhat incorrect, but the main concern I came to face while reading this guide was the entire Interaction part. Interaction with a being that is not (yet) until it starts being is pretty much parroting if you imagine their answers by yourself and take every thought as theirs. That is not for me to criticize on a general consensus of 'tulpamancy' aside from the one the community put in place. Whether people oppose or accept parroting isn't any of my concern, what I stated is essentially that you have a multitude of guides that come in opposition with one another. Whether OP regards their tulpa as a delusion does not concern me but it's very, very, very off-track to say that one is not parroting with all the content presented in the guide.


I will quote the content that did set me off at first, and even more later on:


__The next thing to consider is your tulpa seed’s intentions, and motivations. Write out the answers to the following questions. Why do they do what they do? What do they strive for and/or want? Maybe they always want to do the right thing. Maybe they want people to think that they are smart/insightful. They could just want to have a good time and relax. Perhaps they want to make people laugh. They could just want to be accepted, or fit in. Maybe something selfish or even sinister. Who knows? It’s up to you to figure this out.


This next step takes your tulpa seed to a new level' date=' and makes it even more realistic. The answer to this question will probably take time, but it is worth considering in detail. How do they intentionally present themselves, and how would you expect others to view them versus how they want to be viewed?[/quote']


That is a pretty clear indication to parroting to me. Defining what a tulpa is going to be like, as in personality and trait lists, is nothing wrong. But what does set me back is the whole 'imagine how they're going to be and that's how they're gonna be'. The reason for which I oppose this is that I tried it in the past. I find it a bit funny how people will jump to conclusions to say I'm an elitist, when I tried everything that was posted already. My point is less that parroting is a topic I personally have issues with and more that there will be a conflict with what the community has to present. It's not something negative to me because 'boooo parroting', but because of how the community has guides that oppose parroting as a major part of development.


As for what you said, you could very much be right, Waffles. Perhaps I am giving this too much importance and the conception of such beings in one's mind requires no effort. I am not even being sarcastic, maybe that really is what this is about and I was wrong, and I wouldn't mind being wrong. But I feel like I am decisively right, although that sounds arrogant, on the fact that this guide poses a conflict with other guides, and I feel like this is something everyone should keep in mind, with no offense to any parties.


As for Ayre, and that is something I wanted to clear up for a while on the elitism stand:



This is by definition' date=' Elitism. Don't kid yourself. This is how I created my own tulpa, by extension, you are calling my tulpa a daemon that is labeled as a tulpa; this is disrespectful. You have no right to create your own definitions of tulpas and force this on anyone else.[/quote']


Let us define an elitist.


a person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society.


a person who believes in the superiority of an elitist class.



There happen to be different definitions that come in very close to those two for the noun. With that in mind, if you are to define me as an elitist, I would need to fit a certain criteria; that I would supposedly regard my tulpa as something grandiose and dimension-altering, that I would brag about her all day on the forums (and trust me, there is a lot to brag about), that I would constantly put other thoughtforms down and make it a pyramidal model with tulpas supposedly on top. How do I fit any of that? Have I not mentioned that I feel like one should keep an open mind towards thoughtforms and that I respected all thoughtforms and treated them equally in my interactions with them? Do you even know what an elitist is in real-life? They tend to be more self-centered and narcissistic in a way that they self-promote often and classify themselves as another part of society. That is not what I am doing. I admit that I have strict views, but that does not mean that I think one thing is delusion and the other thing is tulpagod paying me a visit. I won't make much of a comment on that furthermore, but it gets tiring when people, with due respect, run to the elitist excuse as a means of reducing one's credibility. I'm not calling people who oppose me elitists, some people could fit in that criteria in all communities (speaking of sites like reddit and other communities, no offense to anyone here), you're not going after THEM. You only oppose a position once it is expressed openly, the same way you express your position. Would you not also be an elitist? Let's not go into calling people names. When I talk to people online, I don't think that I should include a personal element, although it used to rise often at inappropriate times. Treat others as you would like for them to treat you.


I am not comparing your tulpa to a daemon, that was an analogy that transcribed what I meant, that you are posting a guide to create a tulpa when to me it seems to be something else. But THAT is my own opinion and not the point of my post, conflict of different guides etc.


You can say that what you have fits very well, and you are the only person who is apt to do so. But trust me, when you say that a tulpa is a delusion... people don't understand. People don't get it that it can be something complex that goes beyond a simple delusion. Show the term 'delusion' to any outsider, some dude who has a slight interest in tulpamancy but skeptical... do you know... are you aware of how many times this practice has been called self-deception? How often more shall it happen in the case the community officially supports a guide that promotes just that type of belief.


I feel like you are associating too much to your personal experience. I did not fixate myself on one sentence in your whole guide, and apologize for my lack of clarity. I made sure to quote other things that bothered me, and there are more things that bother me, mainly the ideology you present in your guide and not that 'one sentence'.


I have not made any guides, nor will I make any, but am writing something important. I won't try to get it accepted by the community, it'll just be there and people can do what they want out of it. So I do not see the relevance in what you say.


Please take none of it as something personal. If it is to you, it really is not to me.


I just woke up so excuse any mistakes.

A wise man once said: 'Before judging a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? He's a mile away, and you've got new shoes.'


Graced are those who could avoid this phenomenon. This is perhaps the worst expression of evil in humanity's history, but who am I to judge?

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