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Tulpa Phenomenon Overview Guide v1


A little while back I was tasked with writing a general overview to tulpae and creation.  The idea was to have an up-to-date general guide that didn't push things like hour counts on new users, talked about different methods, and other such things. 


Took me about a good number of hours in front of a public computer, but I got a draft finished. 


So, here it is.  The Word file I typed up originally, and a .txt for people who the Word file doesn't work for. 


Input would be fantastic.  Constructive criticism is always welcome.


Latest version.

Tulpa Phenomenon Overview Guide v1.docx

Tulpa Phenomenon Overview Guide v1.txt

We don't get much in life. But we do have this.

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... Well.... That was far better than I thought it was going to be. I like it as a whole, think it covers everything, etc. etc. I don't have much to add, although I think you should slim down the portion on hour counts, it doesn't need as much addressing, and it's just a good idea to mention somewhere in there that time doesn't matter. "All comes in due time, and patience is a virtue." I just think that 3 paragraphs on it is over-explaining it, and we shouldn't elaborate on it more than needed. (People have a way of worrying over something small, as we all know, especially when we think about it more than we need to, i.e. reading about it.)


I also think there should be further talk on trusting your tulpa and "letting them go". I myself am having problems with that, and I think it deserves much more. If you hold back your tulip and force them still, mainly during the "middle" period of forcing, it doesn't help them be more free and move about. (Hence why I love "King of V's Beard")


Other than those, this is far better and well fleshed out then what I had in mind, I hope others agree.

*oraginal signiture dnt stl plz*

Lazy forcer extraordinaire. Also _lewd.

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Alright, I read through the overview, and found a few things that bugged me in it.


The opening paragraph felt way too fluffy, like the opening to a fiction novel rather than a dry presentation of information, like what it seems you guys are aiming for. In fact, I'd go as far as to say one should simply dispense with the mystical viewpoint beyond a sentence to say it exists, and make it clear that this site is dedicated to the psychological view. One can look anywhere and see the mystical view of tulpa, I don't think going into any detail in it here is necessary.


Next is the suggestion of the irc. As a concept, this isn't a problem at all and should functionally work to keep people from asking simple questions over and over on the forums. But, the problem I have is that the current state of the IRC isn't really that welcoming to newfolk, not because of it being abrasive, but because many of the younger users have latched onto it as a hangout spot, and there are many times when I myself have come into the room and witnessed conversations about anything BUT tulpa. There were even times when I would just see floods of spam and nonsense, even when people were pointed to the appropriate IRC rooms for that sort of thing. While I don't think that the IRC should never diverge, or that it will never diverge from the topic, I also think that with this current flood of new users moderation on the chatroom needs to be much more strict, and punishment given a bit more liberally to those who break rules.


Next: the sections "The hands of the Clock" and "Are the really there". Frankly, in the aim to create a completely unbiased and fact only guide, these shouldn't be here. While I agree with faith being a good thing for tulpa, and that hour counts tend to make people compare their progress to others, which actually is something that shouldn't be done, these two blocks shouldn't be in a general, unbiased guide, as this is a biased viewpoint beyond the basics of tulpa creation. This information can be provided in some parts of the forum as a personal suggestion, since it does seem to work for some, but putting it in a general guide that's supposed to be unbiased is dishonest.


The mention of MLP is unnecessary, and believe it or not people will likely be turned off if the see it. It's not rational...but we of all people should know that people aren't always that rational.


Those are my opinions on things right now. I'll likely come back with some more suggestions as I re-read it again. I think much of this is solid, but it's important to stay as neutral as possible. We should only provide the basics in this overview, and have the other guides still available for people who want to go into more detail.

Sock Cottonwell's

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some spelling, grammar, and formatting changes. Not sure if I have much to add except suggestions for the actual content.


I will post more revisions and sections I think might need to be added later.

Tulpa Phenomenon Overview Guide v1.docx

The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.

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Next is the suggestion of the irc. As a concept, this isn't a problem at all and should functionally work to keep people from asking simple questions over and over on the forums. But, the problem I have is that the current state of the IRC isn't really that welcoming to newfolk, not because of it being abrasive, but because many of the younger users have latched onto it as a hangout spot, and there are many times when I myself have come into the room and witnessed conversations about anything BUT tulpa. There were even times when I would just see floods of spam and nonsense, even when people were pointed to the appropriate IRC rooms for that sort of thing. While I don't think that the IRC should never diverge, or that it will never diverge from the topic, I also think that with this current flood of new users moderation on the chatroom needs to be much more strict, and punishment given a bit more liberally to those who break rules.The mention of MLP is unnecessary, and believe it or not people will likely be turned off if the see it. It's not rational...but we of all people should know that people aren't always that rational.


I completely agree. However Amadeus is right in pointing people towards the IRC as a resource. It's all very well and good to simply read a stale guide on the forums but actually getting a chance to talk to both hosts and tulpae can often provide newbies with the impetus they need to start the creation process in earnest.

The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.

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I'm not really aiming for dry information. I tried to write the opening paragraph in a way that kind of fluffs the imagination, similar to how Dreamviews paints an interesting picture of the concept of lucid dreaming on their home page. Some people coming here have no idea what tulpae are - sooner or later there'll be plenty who hear the word, Google it, and end up coming here first.

I also feel it's important to recognize one's origins, even if it isn't the standpoint we follow here. Besides, I do try to clarify that the Wikipedia entry isn't what most of us are into - that we're doing something else that works with the concept it introduced.


I've actually seen a number of new users come to the IRC while ridiculous things are bring talked about, and the whole room shifts, gives them attention and proves to be a valuable resource in answering questions and promoting us well as a community. Besides, with the wait on account activation, having people to talk to becomes important.


The IRC's behavior overall is adapting, and we're in the process of making clearer rules and regulations to enforce as well as establishing Chat Mods more officially. It won't be the cleanest place, by nature of the internet, but it's getting there.


I can rewrite those sections a bit, but the reason they're there is to put older methods to rest (from Dane's guides, which are still the standard) based on the correlation we've been observing. Many users are asking for guides with up-to-date information, and those are essentially the views presented when people ask about them in IRC anyhow.


Would making passive mention of ponies really turn a user off of the concept more than finding out that maybe half of the tulpae here are ponies, cryptids, or Neopets?

We don't get much in life. But we do have this.

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similar to how Dreamviews

What is with people's obsession with making this site like Dreamviews?

Anyways I really don't think the concept needs an "interesting picture" painted for it. I didn't get interested in tulpas because someone told me about it in romantic language, I got interested because the concept was interesting. The concept has its own merits that don't need gilding. But whatever, that's a fairly minor complaint.


As for IRC, today someone came in and literally said "if I ask you guys a question, will I get a serious answer?" That is the impression we are giving new users. Not a profound place of discovery, but a place where a bunch of kids screw around. We really don't need "clearer rules and regulation". The rules are fine. The problem is nobody enforces them. Frankly what we need are mods who do their job. People need to be told more sternly to take off-topic chatter to other channels. Once that's done I'll feel comfortable with people being directed to the IRC.


As for ponies, I just really don't think our new centralized hub of information on the subject needs to be associated with My Little Pony and the fandom. It hurts our image and legitimacy. Like it or not there's a stigma of tulpa makers just being brony virgins who want to make their pony waifu real, and we should be moving away from that, not reinforcing it.

Would it really be so hard to change the name to something more generic?

Astral project on my face, brother!

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Dreamviews has good structure, and we're working on structure. It's just a thing. Pleeb does it way more than I do; admittedly it's kind of grown on me, but it's just from a perspective of presentation.


I find it interesting how everyone complains about IRC moderation but I haven't heard of anyone volunteering to help. That being said, if anyone wants to be a chat mod, we can discuss it in pm or in the IRC.


Ponies are not part of the "hub" that's in progress. That's also why there isn't a site section for it. If it offends people so grievously to be even tangentially related to ponies by small references in a guide, I'll drop specific mentions of form and any indication that it exists.


I also find it interesting that the primary stigma we all seem to be worried about is association with ponies and not the association with mental health disorders.

We don't get much in life. But we do have this.

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False dichotomy. I don't want us associated with mental health disorders either. The difference is that this central guide associates us with ponies, which is something we have power over, as opposed to trolls calling us schizophrenics, which is something we can't help.


Also I'd be happy to volunteer for a mod position, I just didn't know you guys were taking new ones.

Astral project on my face, brother!

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