(:>)Imposition is something that is wanted by most tulpamancers but something that few have fully accomplished. This guide is a combined guide with the one Lumi showed me with my own techniques; creating what is written in this. Currently i can see distorted colors and or shapes or black and white detailed shapes, so its still not perfect but thats why i post this, so it can be talked about and improved so that imposition can be easier for tulpamancers.
Guide is here found by Lumi and spread to the IRC I take no credit in finding it or the techniques in it and i would highly recommend reading it as well, as it will help, your comprehending what to do in this guide. I have added things that i found fairly useful and things that specifically apply to tulpas. It is formatted similarly to the Advanced vision tutorial as their structure is good and it does it as well as i can figure out to do.
Also dont use hallucinogens because theyre bad for you~
This guide is also made to make a more solid imposition doable because the daydreaming method and the hypnosis method are effective but not maintainable because you cant easily do them while walking or doing anything else besides forcing~
Intro: Assuming you know what imposition is, you can skip this, but if you dont it is seeing your tulpa in the real world like they really exist where you see them, and you can impose other senses besides sight but i would recommend Q2s Guide for a Huggable Tulpa for the other 4 senses.
There are five known levels of CEV perception which can be achieved either through chemical stimuli or through meditative relaxation techniques. Level 1 and 2 are very common, and often happen every day. It is still normal to experience level 3, and even level 4, but only a small percentage of the population do this without psychedelic drugs, meditation or extensive visualization training.
Level 1: Visual noise
CEV noise simulation
The most basic form of CEV perception that can be immediately experienced in normal waking consciousness involves a seemingly random noise of pointillistic light/dark regions with no apparent shape or order.
This can be seen when the eyes are closed and looking at the back of the eyelids. In a bright room, a dark red can be seen, owing to a small amount of light penetrating the eyelids and taking on the color of the blood within them. In a dark room, blackness can be seen or the object can be more colourful. But in either case it is not a flat unchanging redness/blackness. Instead, if actively observed for a few minutes, one becomes aware of an apparent disorganized motion, a random field of lightness/darkness that overlays the redness/blackness of your closed eyelids.
For a person who tries to actively observe this closed-eye perception on a regular basis, there comes a point where if he or she looks at a flat-shaded object with his or her eyes wide open, and tries to actively look for this visual noise, he or she will become aware of it and see the random pointillistic disorganized motion as if it were a translucent overlay on top of what is actually being seen by his or her open eyes.
When seen overlaid onto the physical world, this CEV noise does not obscure physical vision at all, and in fact is hard to notice if the visual field is highly patterned, complex, or in motion. When active observation is stopped, it is not obvious or noticeable, and seemingly disappears from normal physical perception. Individuals suffering from visual snow see similar noise but experience difficulty blocking it from conscious perception.
The noise probably originates from thermal noise exciting the photoreceptor cells in the retina; compare Eigengrau.
Level 2: Light/dark flashes
Some mental control can be exerted over these closed-eye visualizations, but it usually requires a bit of relaxation and concentration to achieve. When properly relaxed it is possible to cause regions of intense black, bright white or even colors such as yellow, green, or pink to appear in the noise. These regions can span the entire visual field, but seem to be fleeting in nature.
Level 3: Patterns, motion, and color
CEV pattern simulation. Note that this can be quite different from real life experience
This level is relatively easily accessible to people who use LSD, and appears to be what most people refer to as colourful visuals. However, it is also accessible to people involved in deep concentration for long periods of time. When lying down at night and closing the eyes, right before sleep the complex motion of these patterns can become directly visible without any great effort thanks to hypnagogic hallucination. The patterns themselves might resemble fractals.
Level 4: Objects and things
This is a fairly deep state. At this level, thoughts visually manifest as objects or environments. When this level is reached, the CEV noise seems to calm down and fade away, leaving behind an intense flat ordered blackness. The visual field becomes a sort of active space. A side component of this is the ability to feel motion when the eyes are closed.[citation needed]
Some paranormal researchers believe that remote places can be viewed in this state and have named it remote viewing.
Opening the eyes returns one to the normal physical world, but still with the CEV object field overlaid onto it and present. In this state it is possible to see things that appear to be physical objects in the open-eye physical world, but that aren't really there.
While not exactly what this guide does it does provide an idea of the step by step process used in these guides including the one linked above
Anchoring may be useful for this and other methods but i will just mention it here, the idea is to store a state of mind or your emotions in an action of sorts, for example if i touch my index finger(s) and thumb or make a certain hand sign or whatever you like whenever im happy, over time you can do the same motion to summon the state of mind or emotion. It wont be dramatically affecting your progress nor sudden or fast to affect your state of mind and emotional feeling, but over time it can help because it serves as a light save and load option for longer term practicing. It can be applied to imposition as whenever you practice imposition, you can anchor the feeling of imposing and the state of mind that you are using to reuse later when you want.
Step 1: Optional Meditating and Relaxing.
Its not needed but it has been said that it helps.
Sit quietly and comfortably.
Close your eyes.
Start by relaxing the muscles of your feet and work up your body relaxing muscles (a technique like Progressive Muscular Relaxation can be useful for this).
Focus your attention on your breathing.
Breathe in deeply and then let your breath out. Count your breaths, and say the number of the breath as you let it out (this gives you something to do with your mind, helping you to avoid distraction).
Why closed eyed? Why not just impose into your sight normally? Isnt it more indirect? Its easier to impose into something where you dont see the actual light because you already are depriving yourself of your actual sight. Something to remember is not to focus as much as what you really see which is black and to focus on the pixels mentioned in the Advanced Vision Control Guide. An analogy of how when youre thinking in a quiet room you dont think about your clock ticking so it wont register at all until you realize youre not thinking about it and you think about it because of this there by hearing it. If you can get into that state where you are only focused on your tulpa and not your surroundings do it, however that requires a guide worth of explanation by itself to explain in decent detail so i wont bother.
Either way turn off your lights and close your eyes. It is better to impose other things first before you impose your tulpa because their shapes are simply easier. For me i try to impose swords from Fate/Stay Night but you can impose whatever if you want to practice even your tulpa. When you see the particles mentioned in the Advanced Vision Control Guide focus on those, keep them in your field of vision and focus on more and more of them. When you turn off your lights and let your eyes adjust from the light to the dark you should see the particles naturally, or distortions in your view which is basically the same thing except its shape is nicer and more organized. Try to gather a group of particle things in your view and then try to move them with your will, it actually works like that, imagine them move and they will somewhat move, not perfectly at all, but to some extent you should be able to control it, even a little, and over time you might be able to get better at controlling it.
For us the particles which are bends now are often white so when i impose mine i will often see a black and white version of what i wanted. Colors can be applied later or if you want try to change the color of the bends into basic colors and then after you can see the form add shading or just skip it and do it with colors first off.
Then you can try to do open eyed.
Step 3: Open Eyed Distortions
This is extremely hard to do successfully which i can say confidently because we havnt gotten this step down well yet. We can see Open eyed hallucinations that are random but controlling them is hard for most or all tulpamancers including me. This should not be confused with floaters which look like theyre distortions. They are not, and should be avoided if possible, as i believe it means your eyes are either strained or below average in clarity, for example using glasses. I am not sure if that is accurate, but they are not part of the imposition of your tulpa
If your lights, in any room is adjustable and can dim and lighten up slowly use it for this by starting with almost no light and increasing your light slowly after you get distortions at the level of light you have used last. The colors will still be unstable and will likely fade after seconds or fractions of one second for a lot of people which is normal. Remember that what you see if you are imposing your tulpa should be controlled by them so practice with servitors or stationary things so you can (parrot)move them without causing any harm to your tulpa. After you get the distortions, let your tulpa control them by himself or herself as they would normally move when you imagine them with you- and eventually it may eventually become more natural to you guys.~
Hanyuu <3
I am sometimes in the /mlp/ boards and #tulpa-forum if you wish to find me
(:>)Imposition is something that is wanted by most tulpamancers but something that few have fully accomplished. This guide is a combined guide with the one Lumi showed me with my own techniques; creating what is written in this. Currently i can see distorted colors and or shapes or black and white detailed shapes, so its still not perfect but thats why i post this, so it can be talked about and improved so that imposition can be easier for tulpamancers.
Guide is here found by Lumi and spread to the IRC I take no credit in finding it or the techniques in it and i would highly recommend reading it as well, as it will help, your comprehending what to do in this guide. I have added things that i found fairly useful and things that specifically apply to tulpas. It is formatted similarly to the Advanced vision tutorial as their structure is good and it does it as well as i can figure out to do.
Also dont use hallucinogens because theyre bad for you~
This guide is also made to make a more solid imposition doable because the daydreaming method and the hypnosis method are effective but not maintainable because you cant easily do them while walking or doing anything else besides forcing~
Intro: Assuming you know what imposition is, you can skip this, but if you dont it is seeing your tulpa in the real world like they really exist where you see them, and you can impose other senses besides sight but i would recommend Q2s Guide for a Huggable Tulpa for the other 4 senses.
The guide to imposition and hallucinating
An introduction from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed-eye_hallucination
While not exactly what this guide does it does provide an idea of the step by step process used in these guides including the one linked above
Anchoring may be useful for this and other methods but i will just mention it here, the idea is to store a state of mind or your emotions in an action of sorts, for example if i touch my index finger(s) and thumb or make a certain hand sign or whatever you like whenever im happy, over time you can do the same motion to summon the state of mind or emotion. It wont be dramatically affecting your progress nor sudden or fast to affect your state of mind and emotional feeling, but over time it can help because it serves as a light save and load option for longer term practicing. It can be applied to imposition as whenever you practice imposition, you can anchor the feeling of imposing and the state of mind that you are using to reuse later when you want.
Step 1: Optional Meditating and Relaxing.
Its not needed but it has been said that it helps.
Sit quietly and comfortably.
Close your eyes.
Start by relaxing the muscles of your feet and work up your body relaxing muscles (a technique like Progressive Muscular Relaxation can be useful for this).
Focus your attention on your breathing.
Breathe in deeply and then let your breath out. Count your breaths, and say the number of the breath as you let it out (this gives you something to do with your mind, helping you to avoid distraction).
Step 2 Closed Eyed Hallucinations
Why closed eyed? Why not just impose into your sight normally? Isnt it more indirect? Its easier to impose into something where you dont see the actual light because you already are depriving yourself of your actual sight. Something to remember is not to focus as much as what you really see which is black and to focus on the pixels mentioned in the Advanced Vision Control Guide. An analogy of how when youre thinking in a quiet room you dont think about your clock ticking so it wont register at all until you realize youre not thinking about it and you think about it because of this there by hearing it. If you can get into that state where you are only focused on your tulpa and not your surroundings do it, however that requires a guide worth of explanation by itself to explain in decent detail so i wont bother.
Either way turn off your lights and close your eyes. It is better to impose other things first before you impose your tulpa because their shapes are simply easier. For me i try to impose swords from Fate/Stay Night but you can impose whatever if you want to practice even your tulpa. When you see the particles mentioned in the Advanced Vision Control Guide focus on those, keep them in your field of vision and focus on more and more of them. When you turn off your lights and let your eyes adjust from the light to the dark you should see the particles naturally, or distortions in your view which is basically the same thing except its shape is nicer and more organized. Try to gather a group of particle things in your view and then try to move them with your will, it actually works like that, imagine them move and they will somewhat move, not perfectly at all, but to some extent you should be able to control it, even a little, and over time you might be able to get better at controlling it.
For us the particles which are bends now are often white so when i impose mine i will often see a black and white version of what i wanted. Colors can be applied later or if you want try to change the color of the bends into basic colors and then after you can see the form add shading or just skip it and do it with colors first off.
Then you can try to do open eyed.
Step 3: Open Eyed Distortions
This is extremely hard to do successfully which i can say confidently because we havnt gotten this step down well yet. We can see Open eyed hallucinations that are random but controlling them is hard for most or all tulpamancers including me. This should not be confused with floaters which look like theyre distortions. They are not, and should be avoided if possible, as i believe it means your eyes are either strained or below average in clarity, for example using glasses. I am not sure if that is accurate, but they are not part of the imposition of your tulpa
If your lights, in any room is adjustable and can dim and lighten up slowly use it for this by starting with almost no light and increasing your light slowly after you get distortions at the level of light you have used last. The colors will still be unstable and will likely fade after seconds or fractions of one second for a lot of people which is normal. Remember that what you see if you are imposing your tulpa should be controlled by them so practice with servitors or stationary things so you can (parrot)move them without causing any harm to your tulpa. After you get the distortions, let your tulpa control them by himself or herself as they would normally move when you imagine them with you- and eventually it may eventually become more natural to you guys.~
Hanyuu <3
I am sometimes in the /mlp/ boards and #tulpa-forum if you wish to find me
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